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Shelacta Tales Ch. 05

If this is the first Shelacta Tale you have read, please go the appendix to learn about this world.

Fifth Tale: Degrees of Slavery Part Two. Maid’s Servant.

Mona has a problem. Her husband Jonas had been her unwilling slave and Mona’s sexual trap was becoming less effective. Her son Adam had shown signs of becoming a spoilt brat with his father’s unpleasant characteristics. Jonas was a miser and would only spend money when Mona ordered him as strongly as she could. She had made him spend money to buy a milker’s services for Adam’s 18th birthday but events had made that decision an unfortunate one. Jonas and Adam were now enslaved by Mary who was leaving the city. Mary had ordered the men to obey Mona. Would that order be enough if Mary were elsewhere? Even if it was, having her son Adam enslaved to his mother was not an arrangement that could continue for long. It was unnatural situation and not normally possible.

Mary had written a letter to Mona setting out a possible solution to the dilemma Mona now faced. If Mona could obtain the services of another milker who was close to her, Adam could be freed from Mary’s enslavement and protected from other women. Jonas could be enslaved by the milker who could then repeat the order for Jonas to obey Mona. The replacement milker could re-emphasise that order as often as necessary to keep Jonas in subjection and overcome his strong streak of miserliness. Mary suggested someone close to Mona who might be suitable. But was she? That Mona needed to know.

Adam was no longer such a problem. His servitude to Mary had been a salutary shock and had begun to change him. If Jonas could be controlled their son might become a decent man after all. Adam had been shaken by his encounter with Deirdre, the Golden Siren. Even her speaking voice had affected him and made him very afraid.


Mona thought back to the time a year ago when their household had gained another member overnight. Jonas is a highly sexed man and Mona wasn’t as keen on sex as she had been. She had ignored his flirtations. Her only real worry was that Jonas would fall for another woman’s trap but he seemed too wary to risk that. He had been visiting prostitutes. Mona refused to have any sex with him at all when she found out. (Sexual diseases are not as common on Shelacta as they are on our parallel world but they do exist. They are unpleasant but not usually fatal.) If Jonas were to be killed by a pre-fertile woman Mona might have grieved for a few days. Their relationship was that bad.

Prostitution attracts the criminal element in any society and so it was in their city. The prostitutes were recruited from women who had lost their sexual trap but were fertile. The demand was so high that illegal immigrants from third world countries were imported. If pre-fertile they were deprived of their trap by rape but only after a man had been killed by their trap. The man killed was usually an illegal who had refused to pay enough to the people smugglers. The women’s ‘owners’ would arrange for them to reach fertility, if necessary on more illegal men. Once the women were fertile but trapless they would be ‘normal’ prostitutes serving protected men who could not experience the delights induced by a woman’s sexual trap.

Unprotected men would also use prostitutes because they had nothing to fear from the trap-deprived women. That is what Jonas did until one night when the brothel he was visiting was raided by the immigration service just after he had chosen the woman he wanted. His choice was ‘forced’. The managers of the brothel wanted him to choose the woman he did. They had placed her among a group of less attractive women. Jonas didn’t know that some of them had been deliberately made up to be unattractive.

Jonas left the reception area hand in hand with the chosen woman as the raid started. She pulled him to the back of the building and through a hidden door. Other women were rushing through as well. The immigration officers had been covering the back door but were unaware of the third exit leading to a shop front in the street behind. Jonas had parked his car in that street. He climbed into his car and was startled when the woman joined him.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

“Getting away,” she replied. “Not just from the raid but from the pimps. Drive! Now!”

Jonas drove away sedately as if he were a normal citizen travelling without a care in the world. He knew better than to appear to be leaving the scene of a raid at an illegal speed. Once he was a few hundred yards and several streets away he stopped the car, reached over to the back seat, and retrieved his raincoat.

“Put that on,” he ordered. “You can’t be seen like that.”

The woman looked down and gasped. She was wearing a translucent dress with her naked breasts exposed. That was everything she had in the world now that she had left the brothel.

“What am I going to do?” she sobbed. “They’ll kill me if I go back. The immigration people will deport me if I go to the authorities. All I have is this.” She plucked at the dress.

“Put my coat on.” Jonas repeated. “Then we can talk about your options.”

She put the coat on. Jonas drove out of town to a lay-by on the bypass where he stopped the car.

“I’m Jonas. You are?”

“Elaine. No. I’m not. My real name is Eva.”

“OK, Eva. You are in a fix. I think I can help you.”

“You can?” Eva was very wary. She had been promised ‘help’ before.

“I think so.”

That sounded better to Eva. A man who thought he could help was better than the men who had promised her so much before and left her as a prostitute.

“What would change the ‘think’ to a ‘can help’?” Eva asked nervously.

“A phone call to my wife.”

“A what! How will she react to a prostitute?”

“I don’t know. Anyway, you are NOT a prostitute. You retired from that career when you got into my car. I hope I can persuade her to take you on as a maid. She is constantly moaning that she needs domestic help. You could be that help until we find something better for you.”

Eva didn’t know it at the time, but Jonas was trying to save money again. An illegal immigrant with no possessions could not be choosy. He might be able to provide Mona with a maid for the cost of bed and board for Eva. He could get a limited visa for Eva that would enable her to stay in the country but only if she continued to be Mona’s maid. It would be a trap nearly as inescapable as being a prostitute.

Jonas climbed out of the car and rang Mona. It took some time to explain what he had been up to and what he intended but Mona eventually agreed, not because Jonas asked her, but because she felt sorry for Eva.

Jonas drove Eva to the Smith’s home. Mona took pity on the shivering Eva and whisked her off to the kitchen for a cup of tea. She found some clothes for Eva in the bags destined for the next charity jumble sale. Once Eva had showered and changed even into some one else’s cast offs she felt that she might have really escaped.

Eva was fertile and still had her sexual trap. Her owners had left her with it because they intended her to capture Jonas and then order him to transfer money to them. Once Jonas had been bled dry both he and Eva would have been killed. Jonas would have died in a pre-fertile woman’s trap. Eva knew that she would die but hoped she might have been able to escape through her control of Jonas. The raid on the brothel had aborted the whole plan. If as Eva hoped, the brothel owners would be imprisoned or deported she was really free – if she could remain in the country.

Eva decided that telling Mona the whole truth was the easiest way to test the possibility of refuge in the Smiths’ household. She didn’t trust Jonas.

Mona was horrified, not just about what had been planned for Jonas, but also for the situation Eva had been in. While reserving judgement on Eva’s suitability as an accomplice in thwarting Jonas, Mona decided that the best course of action for both of them was to pretend to play along with him.

Mona listened carefully to Jonas’s edited ‘explanation’ of how he came to bring a nearly naked girl home with him. She expressed indignation but not too much. She showed concern for Eva’s plight yet informed Jonas that his story was not wholly credible. She reluctantly agreed to his proposal that Eva should become her maid.

Over the next few days Mona watched Eva and Jonas carefully for signs of collusion. She saw that Jonas knew nothing at all about Eva, neither did Eva know about Jonas except such information that would have been available to any member of the public who asked. Eva behaved reasonably and showed that she was willing to perform the duties of a maid to the best of her ability.

Jonas’ influence ensured that Eva obtained the necessary limited work permit restricted to employment in the Smiths’ household. If Eva left that job she would have to leave the country as well. It was a different kind of slavery, but slavery it was.

Eva and Mona pretended that Mona was a strict mistress. Jonas was pleased that Mona was pleased. He had provided Mona with the maid she wanted at the lowest possible cost. All Eva would get for her work would be bed, board and the minimum pocket money.

Mona and Eva became conspirators against Jonas. Mona insisted that Jonas submitted to her breast trap every Sunday night. She was never sure what he might have done in the previous week. Eva suggested that Mona increase the frequency to twice a week ‘because Mona didn’t believe Jonas’ story about rescuing Eva’. Mona added Wednesday nights to Jonas’ ordeal.

Jonas was not aware that Eva still had her sexual trap. Mona and Eva kept him in ignorance. Eva’s sexual trap works by putting her hand over the man’s mouth. If she did it for a second or two the man would have an intensely warm feeling between his legs and a feeling of weakness. If she held her hand in place for ten seconds or more then her trap was fully triggered and the man would continue to repeated orgasms and eventually a blissful sleep. Yet once Eva’s hand touched the man’s mouth he could not remove her hand. Only she could control how long she covered his mouth.

Every Wednesday and Sunday Eva would ‘accidentally’ put her hand over Jonas’ mouth. She would order him to forget that her trap had caught him and even that she had a trap. Jonas insisted that Eva dress in a formal maid’s uniform every evening. She wore a calf length black dress, a lace apron with a large floppy bow and a lace cap. Evening meals in the Smith household were formal. Eva would serve the meal. At the end of the meal on Wednesdays and Sundays Eva would wait until Adam left the room. He did that as soon as he could because he hated the formality. Then Eva would start to clear the meal away. Standing behind Jonas she would reach past him to remove the crockery but her hand would clamp across his mouth reducing Jonas to an impotent silence as he slipped under her control and surrendered to the ecstasy of sexual fulfilment.

Mona would watch with glee as her husband twitched uncontrollably under Eva’s power. He couldn’t understand why his sexual drive appeared impaired and why he didn’t need the sexual adventures he had previously sought outside the home. That night he would be claimed by Mona’s breast trap that seemed to control him more than it had. He couldn’t understand how Mona could order him to spend so much money. He didn’t realise that her control was renewed twice weekly.

He complained to Mona that he kept having daydreams about Eva. He felt that Eva in her maid’s uniform was sitting astride his chest as he lay on his back on the floor. He felt unable to move as if his hands had been tied to his side and his ankles tied together. While he struggled to free himself Eva slowly edged up his body until the hem of her black dress touched his face. Eva would lift the dress and slide further forward until his head was clamped between her legs. She would lean forward pressing her pussy over his face in the warm scented darkness under her clothes until he sensed that his breathing would be cut off. At that point he would start orgasming violently and be unaware of anything except frequent and overwhelming sexual gratification which left him drained.

Mona reassured him that it was just his fevered imagination and offered her breasts to banish the nightmare. Jonas would sink into her cleavage and pass into unconsciousness as Mona’s breast trap engulfed him again. Weakened by Eva’s control he couldn’t resist Mona’s control either. He felt that he was being smothered between the two women and drowning in their soft skin.

Eventually even this collusion between Mona and Eva failed to maintain Mona’s control. They agreed that the only solution was for Eva to take over Jonas wholly. They waited until Adam was away for a couple of weeks. The first evening after Adam had left Eva acted. She held her hand across Jonas’ mouth for a full thirty seconds. At the end of his trap induced ejaculations the women had to drag him off to bed. He stayed there in a blissful unconsciousness for three days. Mona told his office that Jonas had caught a flu bug. When he recovered Eva ordered him to obey Mona in all things. To his intense annoyance he had to comply.

Every time he showed signs of resistance Mona’s hand would quell the rebellion. He was now aware that the recurrent daydream had been a reality and that he was condemned to be his maid’s slave. His resentment was intense but Eva’s control was far too strong for him. Every attempt at even minor resistance was thwarted by Eva’s hand on his mouth. Jonas was helplessly twitching on the floor at Eva’s feet several times a day until he accepted that he was wholly enslaved.

Mona and Eva found another quirk of sexual traps. That discovery is another tale.

Eva and Mona exploited their new stronger control of Jonas. Eva would order Jonas to dress in her hated maid’s uniform and take over her duties. He had to do all the mundane tasks he had wanted Eva to do. He had to cook, clean, make beds, wash, iron, and keep the house in perfect order as well as carry out his normal employment.

After serving the evening meal to Mona and Eva, Jonas was ordered to crawl under the table and tongue their pussies until they were satisfied. Only then was he allowed to eat the congealed meal he had served for himself.

The two women might have found further humiliations for Jonas except that they were making experiments of their own. They might have enforced the control but events overtook them.

That was the situation until Mary came as Adam’s milker. That caused a crisis, which was partially resolved as recounted in the previous episode of the events of the Smith household.


Shelacta (pronounced She-Lacta) is a contemporary parallel world very similar to our own early 21st Century world except in its sexual practices.

Sexual changes have affected the human race. Young women have become forced to be sexual predators. Once a woman has reached the age of 18 she is mature but she must force five men to orgasm before she becomes potentially fertile. At least one of the five of the five men must be killed by the sexual act of the pre-fertile woman. To help her achieve this women have mutated into developing sexual traps.

If a pre-fertile woman allows a man to penetrate her she loses her sexual trap and it is very difficult for her to become mature except with the help of consenting men. If a man penetrates a mature but pre-fertile woman he becomes immune to women’s sexual traps. If he penetrates a fertile woman her trap makes him her slave, whether or not conception occurs. The fertile woman controls whether she wants to conceive or not. The number of male slaves a woman has determines her status. Any of her slaves is at risk of death from a pre-fertile woman, or capture by another fertile woman.

A woman who has lost her sexual trap is an outcast even when fertile because she has no normal means of making a man her slave.

Chastity belts for either sex are both immoral and illegal. The possession or use of such a device is a capital offence and execution is almost inevitable.

A pregnant woman freezes her status once the pregnancy is confirmed. She can immunise her male slaves against other women by wiping her pussy over their faces at least once a week. She can do this if she is actually pregnant but the pregnancy isn’t yet confirmed.

A lactating woman is special. Even if she has lost her sexual trap she is attractive to men because her milk can free them. Every man who drinks a pint of her milk directly from her breasts becomes his own master again. He will be immune to sexual traps for life but from the first sip until he has drunk the whole pint he is the lactating woman’s slave and that slavery overrides all others even after she ceases to produce milk. Lactation is the only way for a woman who has lost her sexual trap to achieve status.

Males under the age of 18 are taboo and incapable of arousal. The best birthday present a family can give a son is to buy the services of a lactating woman until he has drunk a pint of her milk. Women who can produce a genuine pint at one feed are rare and much sought after. Most paid ‘milkers’ have to have several sessions with the fortunate son until the pint has been delivered. The procedure is embarrassing to the son because until he has drunk the full pint he is the ‘milker’s’ slave and as she is usually an outcast of low status his predicament makes him the butt of humour from his contemporaries. There have been several stage farces written around this situation. If she cannot deliver the full pint for whatever reason, he is her slave for life.

The author of these tales has limited access to view journals and magazines from Shelacta. From that access he has extracted some stories that might interest our world.
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