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Shewolf Ch. 02

Chapter 2: The Change

Sorry its been so long. I was deployed so I didn't have very much time to do much writing. But all of us made it home safely and that's what matters. Please comment and vote?


I awoke to what I felt was a few hours later. I was alone in the dark and all was quiet. My eyes quickly adjusted to the darkness and I found that i was still at the club and still naked.

I got dressed and looked around for anyone. The place was cleaned up after the rave and there was no trace of anyone, no trace of Amee. My phone was dead so I had no idea of the time or date.

I felt like shit so I mixed a very strong screwdriver, slammed it back and walked out to my car which, thankfully, was still parked out back. I started the car plugged in my phone and started the long drive home. The sun was beating down hard and the dash clock read 12:35p. So I was out at least fifteen hours.

I pulled up my long drive and into the garage next to my three other cars and five bikes. I stumbled inside and went straight to the shower.

I was in the shower for about an hour. Mainly letting the water beat down on me from all directions, it was one of those shower heads all around type of showers. I walked to my kitchen hungry as hell. I made breakfast and destroyed it before it even cooled slightly.

After dressing I went in to my company to check on things there. As I checked in with the security team one of them looked at me like he hadn't seen me in days.

I walked to my secretary Jessica desk. She freaked out when she saw me.

"Sir, where have you been? It's been four days," she asked.

"Four days!" I freaked.

"Yes sir, it's been four days since you were last here," she told me.

"Ok, do I have any messages?"

"Well, there was one really weird one."

"Weird how?"

"Well a woman named Amee called for a man named Rain again, but he isn't employed here. I told her this and she said that she didn't like my attitude and would call back in three days to speak to my boss."

"How long ago was this?"

"Well that's the weird thing, it was three days ago today,"

"Ok, if she calls again I want to talk to her."

"Talk to her why?"

"I don't take kindly to people disrespecting my employees."

I went into my office and locked the door. I wanted to be alone for a while.

I don't know for how long I was asleep but after sitting down at my desk the next thing I knew was Jessica buzzing me to tell me that Amee was on line 1. I pressed the button and told Jessica to take the rest of the day off before I answered.


"Why hello Rain. How are you feeling today?"

"I feel like shit. Who is this?"

"It's Amee, remember me? I'm sure you do. How is the bite mark on your neck?"

"Bite mar... What the fuck are you talking about?"

"Hmmm. Check your neck on the right side you should find it, or what's left of it anyway."

I reached up and felt six small bumps on my neck. The outside ones feeling a bit rounder and larger than the others. "What the fuck is this?" I asked angrily.

"Well as far as I can remember four days ago I bit into you in a moment of heated passion. I injected a bit of poison into you using fake incisors to give you a sort of vampire feel so you would make your choice the way I wanted you to."

"What the hell is going on?"

"I'm not done. I then gave you a once in a lifetime opportunity. I gave you life, well real life. You see you have a gene in you one from ancient time. It's the werewolf gene or the Lupine gene."

"So what at a full moon I'm goning to turn into a big hairy dog and go on a killing spree around the world?"

"Only if you want to. Look just about everything that you know about werewolves is bullshit, but there is a bit of truth to some of it."

"Like what?"

"Well the most important one is that we mate for life. You are mine and I am yours, we are soul mates, that is why I had you drink my blood to activate you gene and bind you to me."

"Really, and what else?"

"Let's talk about the rest over lunch, shall we. Besides I need some cock in me."

"Well I don't think I'll be giving you anything but lunch until I figure out what is going on."

"Fine then, choose a steak house, my treat."

I chose the biggest porterhouse place in the city. They are known for their 3 pound steak and lobster meals with fresh churned melted honey butter and half pound baked potato with sour cream and chives.

When I got there I barely walked in when I was approached by a young man and was told that I was expected and my date was waiting for me. I kind of looked at dumbly but followed him. Sure enough there was Amee waiting on me with an empty room.

"I ordered the largest steak for you, extra rare."

"Really? I don't like my steaks rare." "Trust me, you'll like this, I guarantee it."

"Whatever, let's make this fast. I have a lot of work to do."

"No, sit down and let's talk."

I sat down and Amee began to explain everything to me. She told me about the gene in me that allowed me to become a werewolf and how she had tracked me down. Then she told me the about how all the bullshit in the movies was fake, like how we couldn't go out in the daytime, obviously, the full moon won't make me change into a homicidal giant wolf. After a 3 hour lunch in which I never really realized that a rare steak could look so good and taste even better. One look at it and I wanted to feel it in my belly and even after I ate it I wanted more.

"So what do I do from here?"

"Well first we are going to go to your place so I can teach you how to transform into your lupine form then. You are going to fuck the shit out of me."

"Ok, let's go."

She didn't drive to the restaurant so we both took my car. As I was driving she reached across and grabbed my dick through my pants and began to stroke me. She got me hard as a slab of granite and it felt like my dick had gotten bigger. She pulled my zipper down and fished out my cock and slowly stroked me then she looked me in the eyes and began to slowly inch her head down to the tip of my cock. She kept her eyes locked with mine the entire way down. Driving was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. Thankfully I was out of the city already and in the country where there was no traffic, or else we would have crashed at least ten times.

She continued to suck me until we pulled into my drive way, but she wouldn't let me cum. When we got out she directed me straight to the back yard so we could start the training or 'DOGGY TRAINING' as she called it.

"Just think about power," she told me. "Think about the power you have inside you and will it, force it to come to the outside. Think about the massive force that is you and show it to me."


I took it all in without much thought to it and began thinking about the power within. I felt something strange in the pit of my stomach. It started as a slight tingling feeling but soon it turned into a burning sensation that spread all over my body. It was like I had ants crawling all trough my veins and eating me from the inside out. It hurt like hell as I could feel all of my bones and my muscles stretching and pulling. I felt like I was going to rip apart from the inside out.

"Awesome!" Amee exclaimed.


"Wow, first transformation and you already can talk to me with your mind."

'Ok, so you can read my mind?'

"No, not really read your mind. When you talk, I can hear you in my mind. It is how we communicate with each other when we are transformed into our lupine form. You also turned on your first try, that's impressive."

'So how do I change back?'

"Just think about your regular self. Think about caging your power and putting it away somewhere in the back."

'Ok, here I go.'

I starting thinking about all my power and pushing it all together into a box. Shoving it into a box then closing that box off and sealing it tight. Then I forced the box down smaller and tighter. I kept pushing the box tighter until I felt I was fully change back to my human form.

"So now what? I'm naked and in my back yard and you are full dressed."

"Now you fuck me senseless."

I ripped her clothes off and threw her to the ground and began pounding the shit out of her pussy. I rolled her over after her first orgasm. Then I slide my cock into from behind and started pounding her again driving her again to another earth shattering orgasm and continued to pound her orgasm after orgasm until she had to push me away. But for some strange reason I still hadn't cum myself. So while she was lying there withering in bliss I got up and walked into my garage and got my climbing gear out and with the three hundred pound test rope and a bowie knife.

I cut off four 60 meter lengths and walked back out to her and luckily she was still laid out on the lawn. I wanted to test out a few things with my new found power. So I quickly mounted Amee and began tying her hand and ankles. Once I had her bound up I will my power to come out a little and directed it towards my muscles. I felt my legs getting stronger and then I stopped my transformation. I grabbed first one rope attached to her right wrist and sprinted off towards a nearby tree. I didn't even feel like I had taken more than three steps and I was there. I tied the rope to the tree and ran for the left wrist and off to a second tree. About this time she began to come down and started to take account of what I was doing. But it was too late. I had the second rope tied off. I grabbed both ropes for her feet and tied them off at a third tree and a support beam for my deck.

"What the hell? How are you so fast?"

"Well I tried willing my transformation to just my muscles until I felt the power in them and then I stopped."

"Wait you are telling me that you can control how you transform and you can stop it. That's definitely a first. I've never heard of anyone stopping a transformation midway."

"Well trust me love, my transforming isn't what you should be worried about right now."

I smiled at her as I slowly walked up to her forcing my change into my cock.
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