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Skyrim Escapade

The carriage you ride upon is not exactly what you would call comfortable, the wood has long since made your bottom stiff and the annoying creaking drives you mad if you had you're way you would-

"Hey you, finally awake?" You're thoughts are interrupted by the blond Nord you've learned is called Ralof speaking to the Nord who has been asleep for the journey "you were trying to cross the border right? Walked right into that imperial ambush, same as us and that thief over there" Ralof nods his head to the man sitting beside him who had been complaining the entire ride.

"Damn you stormcloaks, Skyrim was fine until you came along, the empire was nice and lazy. The man growls out before pausing "If they hadn't been looking for you I'd've stolen that horse and been halfway to hammerfell by now."

He pauses looking towards you and the now awake Nord beside you "We shouldn't be here it's these stormcloaks the Empire want's."

The thief looks like he's going to continue but Ralof cuts him off "We're all brothers and sisters in binds now horse thief-"

"Shut up back there!" Ralof is in turn cut off by the carriage driver.

"What's wrong with him?" The thief asks nodding towards the other man on your right before some realization crosses his face "Jarl Ulfric, you're the leader of the rebellion and if they've captured you... Oh gods! Where are they taking us?!

"I don't know where we're going but sovngarde awaits." Ralof says with some mirth.

You tune out the rest of the conversation as the Nord aside you begins his own panic fit and asking questions that in your opinion really don't require answering.

Soon you reach the gates of an Imperial town that Ralof recognizes as Helgen and before long you reach your journeys end as the other prisoners file off the carriage.

The other prisoners are called off the list and finally the imperial officer reaches yourself.

"Hmm i don't seem to have you on the list what's your name prisoner?"

What's next?

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