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Slut Wars

It's been all over the news. A new CCG (collectable card game) has been sweeping the globe. Everyone wants to be apart of this game that allows you to "make anyone your slut." Everyone knows you can't make just anyone your slut. You have to get their ownership card first.

My name's John. I am a senior in High school. I have been holding out on this trend because registration is so expensive. However, I'm going to finally do it today. You have to go down to one of the pop-up Slut Wars locations in order to register, and that is where I am now. Thankfully, the line isn't very long today. When the game first released, lines would stretch around the block. People would camp overnight just to register for this game. Once you register, you get a manual and a Deck Manager. It's become common knowledge that there are some very specific rules to this game that can really punish you if you don't know them well.

Ah, I'm at the front of the line now. "Hello, I'd like to register," I ask the woman running the desk. "Alright, please fill out this form and bring it up to the window to your left," the woman says and hands me the form. I thank her and take a seat to fill out the form. The first page is pretty standard. It asks for things like name, age, gender, and contact information. The second page contains the terms and conditions. Just like anyone else, I don't bother with this much. I skim read it and notice it says stuff about understanding that I agree to follow the rules of the game under any circumstance. Just let me play already!

I sign the agreement and walk up to the window where another woman greets me. I hand her the form along with the money for the hefty registration fee and she hands me my manual and a small package with my Deck Manager inside. She wishes me a good day and I thank her and leave.

I head home before opening up the package. Once I'm home, I say hi to my mom then head up to my room.

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