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Space Ranger Morgan Bailey: Episode One

[NOTE: This page is pretty much background on the universe; Feel free to skip ahead if you want to get to the 'meat' of the story.]

In this future age, the peoples of the Confederation of Worlds expand ever outwards, across the galaxy and into the uncharted universe. At the fringes, on the frontier, there are numerous things to consider when one considers authority. While the Confederation of Worlds has an overarching decree of laws, their treaties indicate that the individual races also have a certain amount of autonomy in their own spheres.

Those colonists on the frontier, seeking fortune, anonymity, fame, or infamy, come from many different worlds, and the 'owner' of a frontier sector is a careful political balance decided by a number of complicated bureaucratic rules. Add to that the number of corporations setting up private ventures, claiming autonomy until the territories are settled, and you have a tremendous undertaking.

The Star Rangers were founded by ex-military and ex-law enforcement. They hired local enforcers to patrol and enforce the laws. This movement grew until it became a quasi-legal force. While they have no official capacity, they have become a well-trusted force all across the frontier. No organization is more widely trusted to settle disputes and protect the rights and liberties of colonists, nor to call in the 'actual' authorities if necessary.

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