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Stripping Spree

Across the nation, men and women of all ages (over 18) are surprised to find parcels left where they specifically would find them. I.E., on their desks, in their backpacks, under their beds while they happen to be looking for other things... The packages were nondescript black boxes, labeled with nothing but the name of their recipients, and inside was a tablet, conveniently in the favorite color of the person opening it. Before it even gets touched, the tablet turns on, and a message is relayed....

Two women stand in front of an electronic pedestal, one that is projecting a holographic display into the air between them. The woman on the left is broad-shouldered with close cut red hair, dressed in a leather jacket and red pants, with an excited but harsh look on her face. The other woman, with a similar but less angular face and body to her counterpart, has blue hair tied back in a bun, wearing a pale blue blouse with a black skirt. She speaks first.

"Congratulations on being one of the lucky participants selected for this involved and lovingly maintained activity. Do note: opening this parcel and viewing this transmission is tacit agreement to participate. This is a binding agreement."

"Not legally binding!" the red one said, "But you're going to be targeted whether you play along or not, so...."

"We're getting ahead of ourselves," Blue said, adjusting her glasses. "The game you have been enrolled in is called," she trailed off, gesturing to her partner.

"Stripping Spree!" Red said, "Rack up points by ripping off people's clothes! Get cool powers that'll help you do that while keeping yourself sorta-covered!"

"Beyond keeping yourself more modest than your opponents, performing well may grant you certain advantages further in the game or simple luxuries for use in your day to day life." Blue explained. "As a quick answer to some of the questions you may having-

One, this game is being run for the amusement of our employer.

Two, means by which to locate your opponents can be found on this device , as well as a record of your own statistics as a player, additional information about the game not covered in this presentation, and a variety of other useful applications. Get used to carrying it around with you.

Three, legal consequences of public nudity will be handled on our end. Law enforcement may take umbrage with you if they see you, but the most that will happen is a short time In custody with no longstanding consequences.

Four, while a certain amount of.... 'contact' is allowed in the various undressed states you and your competitors will find yourselves in, rest assured any attempted forms of sexual violence will be met with swiftly and harshly."

"Taking pics is fair game though," Red interrupted, "That's just part of the fun!"

"Quite." Blue nods. "And speaking of which, we now move onto the last segment of this setup- the aforementioned powers and abilities." Saying this, Blue steps aside, waving a hand towards Red.

"Alright, let's take care of this quick so you can go have some fun! You're going to need two things here; a Focus, and a Handle. A Focus can be any inanimate object you have lying around, but you shouldn't choose just any item; your Focus determines the sort of powers you get, how you use them, and you don't get a second chance to pick something. Choose carefully, and choose quick, cause if you take to long the game'll randomly decide on something around you. And your Handle is like an online username; something you want to figure out sooner rather than later, cause if you don't we just list you under your real name, which makes you a lot easier to find."

"From this point on, we will only contact you for special events or circumstances, usually en masse." Blue says. "Further instructions will be handled by text windows on the tablet as you begin playing."

"Good luck!" Red says, "Try not to wind up naked too often!"

The screen goes black, aside from a message in white text: The words "Select Focus and Enter Handle," and a series of numbers. 5:00. 4:59. 4:58.

Almost universally, this is met with panick, confusion, and a scrambling to find some object that seems like it might be good to use for whatever nonsense these people now found themselves in.

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