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Super Smash Bros- The Remote Returns

"Whew!" Master Hand sighed in relief, "Took me forever to get those swaps all sorted out! Somebody must have saw Crazy taking the box to the trash and stole it from him. I will take this to the incinerator myself, so nobody can take it this time."

---------30 Minutes Later--------

"Ooohhh! Shiny!" Crazy Hand exclaimed, "Wait, why is this remote in the incinerator pile? Well, here's the instruction pamphlet... A SWAPPING REMOTE?!?! Now that sounds like fun! Three swap types... four kinds of swaps... can only swap the user and one other... ugh, instructions are boooooooorrrrrrrriiiiiiinnnnnnnng." Crazy Hand mumbles as he flips through the instructions, "I should just give this to someone, and see what they do! Ooh, yes! That would be exciting! And chaotic! I love chaos!" A lightbulb appears over Crazy Hand's head, "I shouldn't give them the manual either! That will cause even more chaos! But they can't know it's from me. If they know, Master Hand will find out, so I have to do this all sneaky like." Crazy Hand leaves the incinerator room and goes to a contestants dorm. "Delivery!" Crazy says in a gruff voice. As the door starts to open, Crazy Hand flies off, quietly cackling to himself, "Oh, this will be good!"

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