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Suzie for Hire

I had been sleeping with cute and busty bisexual young woman named Sarah from work for months now. We frequently engaged in mutual fantasies regarding other attractive women from the office where we worked together.

One day another coworker of theirs, Suzie, came into Sarah's office and closed the door. Suzie was a petite small-breasted brunette with straight dark hair and a beautiful heart-shaped face with dazzling blue eyes. She faced Sarah and said, "I need to talk to someone. I'm in big trouble." Sarah invited her to sit and Suzie began to tell her about her dilemma. Suzie was desperate. She needed to come up with $10,000 immediately to replace money that she had taken from project funds to use as a down payment on a new car and she had no idea how she could as a bank loan had fallen through.

One evening the next weekend, after a passionate session, Sarah told me that she had something to tell me that I would find very interesting. One of our extremely cute co-workers named Suzie had confessed to her that she had used several thousands of dollars of project money and was desperate because she could not come up with the money and she would have to account for it in just two months.

Then Sarah cupped my exhausted cock in her hand and said, "I told her that I'd spoken with you and you might be interested in helping her out. I know how hot you are for Suzie. You might be able to arrange something interesting - and kinky that we both might enjoy a lot." she said with a grin and kissed me and I felt my cock swelling in her gentle hand.

The next day, Sarah called Suzie into her office and told her that I could help her with the money but that I had conditions.

"What kind of conditions!" exclaimed Suzie.

"I think you know that don't you, Suzie. Arnie has carried a torch for you for a long time." Sarah replied.

"I don't know if I can do this." fretted Suzie.

"It's the only idea that I have for you to get the money," Sarah replied.

Sarah paused for a minute or Suzie looked at her with an expression of great concern. Then Sarah handed her a key card and said, "Arnie has everything prepared. Meet him at this apartment after work today."

Suzie accepted the key card looking like a trapped animal.

"Don't worry Suzie. It will be okay." Sarah said trying to comfort the distraught brunette beauty.

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