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Swtor: Kotet: The Eight Outlanders

Your an Outlander, one of Eight But you are the lead Outlander: Darth Imperious, your fellow Outlander's are:#1 Your Alliance Army Commander-in-Chief: Havoc Squad Commander Raychorè Organa, Call-Sign: Meteor. #2 Your Head of Military, Economic, and Political Espionage and Intelligence: Cipher Nine Call-Sign Nightshrike. #3 Your Elite Guardsman Trainer and The Last Grand Champion of the Great Hunt Call-Sign Scree. #4 Your Archives Keeper, The Third Barsen'thor of the Jedi Order Call-Sign Shield.#5 Your Underworld Supply Man, The Voidhound, Call-Sign Ace.#6 Your Commander of your Personal Guard and Frequent Sparring Partner, Rivano Kallasis The Hero of Tython, Call-Sign: Guardian.#7 Your Sith Warrior Counterpart Draig Kilraan The Empires Wrath, Call-Sign Tempest. That concludes you Fellows, you do have two siblings however, your Older Brother Darth Nox and your Younger Sister Darth Oculus.

Currently your in the Alliance Cantina on Zakuul Discussing Certain Things with Meteor and Cipher Nine.

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