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Synthetic Slaves

This story is based on the alternative timeline of the novel “Underground Airlines” by Ben Winters. In this timeline the South won the civil war and in the current time slavery remains legal in 4 states. Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil Rights Movements brought better conditions for black citizens, but they weren´t able to abolish slavery in every state. At the end of the novel it is revealed that the government is planning to create synthetic slaves. This story takes place more than a century after the novel in the year 2130. The genetic experiments were successful and all slaves are now synthetically created from a relatively random mix of DNA which means that all slaves still look distinct from another and are not simply clones.

Because of this technological revolution there existed a new clear distinction between citizens and slaves: A homo sapiens who was born from parents is a person with all rights. A slave who was created synthetically on the other hand is not regarded as human and is therefore not a person. They don’t have a father, mother or a family. They are products created by a Public-Private-Partnerships between the state and the private sector for profit. A child between two "synths" or a citizen and one synth on the other hand is automatically a citizen because they have parents even though those parents themselves may not be considered a person.

Of course, there were protests against this technology, but the wheel of time went on mercilessly and the genetic procedures were enhanced. There also was a discussion whether other races should be created as synthetic slaves. But "tradition" overweighed in this regard. This meant that all “synths” were black but in the eyes of the American public they had nothing in common with African American citizens apart from their skin color. Therefore, there existed no reason to discriminate against African American Citizens any longer. They were now regarded just as much as American Citizens as were Asian, White or Native Americans. Several affirmative action programs have been implemented to help Black Americans. Futhermore there exist strong protections against any form of discrimination. Thanks to these changes African Americans thrive in every profession and part of American life. There have been three African American presidents. The current president Lauren Leanne Royson is also a black woman.

People are allowed to express their discomfort with this situation. But at the end of the day most Americans live their lifes telling themselves that these “synths” are not human and can therefore be treated like livestock. Another more practical reason for the high acceptance among the citizens is that the “Revenues from DNA Synthetization Act of 2086" clearly states that every cent the state takes in from the synthetic slavery program goes directly to the American people in the form of a Universal Basic Income for every American Citizen over the Age of 18. This Basic Income is currently at 8.593 US-$.

The UBI means that people don’t need to work. Nevertheless most people still work although the definition and compensation of work has changed during the last century. There are several massive state programs to correct any shortcomings of the markets. They are focused on arts, health and social interactions and generally enhancing human happiness. This also means that people who work in elder care or other social professions earn very good salaries. Every American citizen also has the right to high quality free universal healthcare, education and transportation.

The American population remains relatively steady at about 270 Million People. There are 140 Million Slaves who are not part of the official population count. After the creation of synths slavery was expanded from the initial 4 to 37 states. Massive slave factories in the wide expanses of America exist everywhere from Arizona to North Dakota. Because of modern security technology slave rebellions have been basically eradicated. The last one took place in a factory in Kentucky 38 years ago. Although most slaves work in factories there are also domestic slaves who work for example as maids or in elder care. Furthermore there also exist pleasure slaves. You are a slave merchant specialized in the training and trading of such pleasure slaves.

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