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Television Police women in distress

Yet another common trope in modern media, the hot police woman on a team in a drama series, good recent examples are Chris from S.W.A.T, Tani and Kono of Hawaii 5-O, Andy Mcnally and Gail Peck from Rookie Blue, Jules Callahan of Flashpoint as well as Dana Scully from the X-Files, in almost all cases the women in question inevitably become Damsels in distress eventually, and in this story you as the reader get to choose who the damsel will be, and if she's going to escape or not. As for main role in all this? is the villain a fellow (corrupt) cop? a drug dealer? and escaped psycho? hit man for the mob? or maybe it's a Home invasion with a lousy sense of target? Or it could be a former boyfriend turned stalker? Maybe an undercover assignment that gets blown? The ideas are almost endless in nature, as are the potential perils the ladies can encounter. And I'm more than willing to allow multiple branches off a chapter if the idea given makes a logical amount of sense. Just as long as you abide CHYOA rules and keep any gore/violence to an appropriate level... I'm willing to consider all comers as to this story, even animated cops like Eliza Maza, Miranda Wright, Renee Montoya and so on. It really is an open season kind of idea. Choose an officer/trooper/deputy/constibale and a villian, then have fun with her.

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