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This program links to nearly everything; a part of you thinks it might be a virus. The decompiler doesn't recognize its existence, and the only useful information you get from the diagnostics is:

Syntax: TEXXXT -I -U name

Immersive Tactile Text Processor. This is Alex Winter's Ph.D. project; do not delete!

  • I : Enable interactive mode.
  • U : User name.

You'd love to find a way to take the program apart, but you have to report back to the Oversight Committee tomorrow morning, and it's after midnight now. Your only real option is to run it.


Welcome to TEXXXT, USER. This program is designed to test a software-based touch interface for computer systems. It is believed this will enable users to work on remote devices through telepresence. **AW: Write more Review Committee Bullshit here. Change the world, yada yada.**

This simulator operates in the form of a game. You will be presented with descriptions of the virtual world and the accompanying tactile sensations. **AW: Get Erin to develop a visual interface. Buy beer. Lots of beer.** There should be accompanying haptic feedback, which you will notice as a tingling or pressure sensation. As the software becomes more attuned to your nervous structure, its stimulatory effectiveness will increase.

Your virtual keyboard will be available at all points in the game. The parser understands one or two word commands in the form VERB [OBJECT]. If you don't know what that means, what the fuck are you doing here? Go take an elementary computer class. **AW: Remember to fix this before first review.**

For system help, type HELP.

To exit, type EXIT GAME.


Before we begin I need to know one important thing about you, USER. What is your sex? Use SETSEX plus the answer: possible options are MALE, FEMALE, HERM, or NONE.

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