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The (un)Pleasant Rise to Power

"There it is, at long last!" I exclaim, as my eyes set sight on a lone statue in the centre of the chamber. It was surprisingly well lit by the rays of light seeping in from cracks in the ceiling. I scan the area for any obvious traps, and after considering the month long journey it took to get here from the capital it seems like dying at the foot of success would be an ironic way to go. Cautiously, I walk down the path, passing the marble pillars that held high above. My reflection painted these pillars as i walk, showing off a lean built brown haired figure in a dark tunic and trousers, with makeshift leather armour holding it all together.

Nearing the statue, I make it out to be rather androgynous, and carved to smoothly as if cloth drapes it. The only inclination that it resembles something feminine is the slightly wider hips. Her closed eyes and light smile gives out an air of mischief, but around her neck resides the fruits of my labour. A golden necklace of silky thin braids woven in with studded gems holds the ruby amulet over her chest. I expected something a lot more simpler in design, but maybe the gaudiness of it was a byproduct of an old royal style that a king might have worn. Surveying the area one last time, I feel a breeze roll in from one of the cracks, cradling my shoulder length locks that were tied into a wolftail.

"Well, this didn't come with any instructions," I say, carefully lifting the necklace. " But I think wearing it will just do the trick! And anything I say or do will make man succumb to my will!"

I hastily put on the necklace, and grin at the potential it holds. It was at this moment I here a whisper coming from the statue.

Oh, your misplaced confidence brings me much joy! Such fun we will have now that you've taken my jewel!

I panic, and turn to see the statue has vanished! Without hesitation I draw my bow.

"Face me, you co-" my voice became silent! The amulet begins to glow a crimson hue and shrink into a choker, constricting me.

The disorientation is too much, and I fall to the ground, gasping for air. Then, a sultry figure emerged from behind the pillars... It was the woman from the statue, but in flesh! She is wrapped in some thin silk, and walks with deadly seduction.

"Tell me, did you find what you sought out for?" she asked, her raspy voice was milky yet deep.

I nod, glancing at her body for a moment. In that instance I noticed a bulge in her appearance, that only a man can have.

"Oh? Have you never heard of me? I am Faena, the banished Goddess of Power and Desire." Her hands slowly moving down her hips and past her crotch.

My thoughts begin to race. The history books never mention the part of Desire! Only that she was an old deity that fell when the other Gods banished her for craving power.

"Well, now that the amulet has chosen you, you will become the one to bring this land back to worshipping my presence," she says, gesturing at me to stand. As she did so, the choker loosened, enough to breathe. I look at her with great fear and confusion.

"This is supposed to be mine!" I cry, a meek and raspy voice echoes through the chamber. "Wait... My voice?"

Feana chuckles. "Lovely is it not? The transformation has begun."

"What?!" I panic. "No what's happening!!"

I feel an ache in my muscles as if they were melting and let out a scream of pain.

"Hush! You are becoming my champion," she says, placing her hand on my waist. At that moment I felt a slight popping of my hips, almost a slight contour outwards to meet her hand fully. I wipe the sweat from my face to find my stubble non-existent.

"Y-Your... Champion," I mutter, feeling my clothes sag.

"Mmmm... Yes... But only in infancy. You will learn to grow with each absorption of power until you become complete."

"Are you making a woman out of me?! What of my beloved that I left behind!"

She laughs once more. "Child. You will become far greater than any woman or man!"

Her silken veil rips revealing a body so pure and perfect. Light brims from her being, exposing her now luscious breasts and a cock! Neither male nor female, but the best of both!

"Surprised? No matter, my kind is deemed too powerful, hence why we no longer walk your lands. However, this... This amulet will make you like me!"

The armour started to fall off my slightly weakened frame, as I slowly accept my fate. "How... How do I become more powerful and perfect?"

Faena starts to rub her little clit with one hand and fondle her breast with the other. "Hehehe... You must grow more powerful by absorbing the life energy of many many men. Their... cum, as you call it."

The thought both scares yet intrigues me, as my trousers fall to the ground from a lack of a belt. Only my red tunic drapes my body, hanging right above my thighs. She draws close as if to comfort me. I feel as if my height had gone down by a few inches, and I lost a little weight, but my body was primarily male, just a little effeminate now.

"With time, enough life energy, and cunning, you will become what you seek. So long as my name becomes the one spread across the land once you gain the power you desire, you will wield this power. I am bound to this tomb of a chamber, until people can grow to worship me once more, so with that I grant you a blessing to begin your journey."

In front of me something materialises. It's design so elegant yet befitting of a vixen. "Are those, lingerie?"

"They take that form, yes, but in essence when revealed to lesser men in glancing amounts it slowly brings them under your charm. Too much exposure at once and it will drive them mad. Think of it as a defensive tool against unwanted approaches, and a lure for the right one." She proceeds to pull it out of the glow, and the design became more prominent. It's a simple panties and bra set, of sky blue colours and a red trim. The panties were modest enough, nothing like what the brothel girls have, and the bra appears ever so slightly padded to give shape. She helps me into them, and I place my loose tunic over it all as my trousers were a tough fit.

"Why did the amulet choose me?" I ask, feeling the panties hug on my ass, and admiring the new shape of my tunic due to the bra.

"Because it sensed that you have the will to succeed no matter the outcome. A fitting champion," she gestures towards the opposite end of the chamber. Her cloth wrappings appear to cover her once more. A veil of light brims in the shape of a door, and an exit is forged.

"Go now, into the world. If I recall my residence is in a carved out cave in an old part of the land. It's still bright out there, and seeing as you are well... No longer a full man, the dark can bring some unexpected visitors. So go!"

In a heartbeat I gathered what I can of my old inventory, managing half the weight of my pack, the bow, and a handful of arrows. It sits slightly too large on my shoulders, but it is not as significant. I make my way out of the cave, hearing Faena's voice echo.

If you don't absorb life energy every few days, the amulet will drain your soul, and lie dormant until someone else comes by. I trust you will know what to do

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