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The Abandoned Magic Shop

Today was the meetup. Me, Blake, and Sandy were gonna break into Rezzo's Magic Shop. Now, I'm not exactly the type of guy who breaks into places: 24, average build, decent job. But I'm always down for whatever my friends are doing. Sandy always is trying to get us to do whatever weird punk stuff she's still clinging onto from her High School days. I looked in the mirror to check my hair. Black and shaggy, as usual. As I picked up my toothbrush I flex my arm, hoping to see some progress from my, admittedly flaky, gym schedule. A microscopic bump formed where the bicep should have been. "Whatever," I mumble just before I spit into the sink.

There was a knock at the door. "It's gotta be Sandy," I thought. Opening the door revealed the amber-colored pixie hair of a short and skinny girl, wearing a ratty long-sleeve shirt over a tank top covering her modest A-cups. Below the belt she was wearing some black leggings.

"Hey Cal!" she proclaimed, "Ready to hit this place up?"

As we walked, I texted Blake. He was younger than us, freshly out of High School at 19. Real thin-looking dude, at 5'9 and only 120 lbs. Without his short blonde hair it'd be tough to pick him out of a crowd, he'd hide behind everyone else. Why he ended up hanging out so much with us, I have no idea. But despite his look, he was always itching for adventure. He's the one who came up with this idea in the first place.

"Come on Cal! This place is gonna be a perfect hangout," shouted Sandy, as she ran down the cracked sidewalk ahead of me.

"Alright, alright! I'm coming!"

It wasn't too long before we eyed the modestly-sized store, now blocked up by wooden planks on each window. A large sticker hung in the front door proclaiming "OUT OF BUSINESS". Once we got up to it, I texted Blake again to see where he was.

"Guys, I'm up here!" Blake shouted from somewhere. Both Sandy and I looked around to see where the voice had come from. "Blake?" Sandy called out. A shadow appeared on the ground in front of us. We looked up to see Blake's head hanging over the roof of the building. "What part of 'up here' do you guys not understand?" he said, mocking us. "How'd you get up there?" I asked. "Well, I tried tearing off some of these planks but they're stronger than they look! Feels like they were bolted on or something. So I got bored of waiting for you guys and climbed up here from the dumpster." he said. "Riveting," Sandy replied, "So why are you up there?" "Because," Blake said, "there's a skylight up here!" I stared at him dumbfoundedly, "So what?"

"In other words," Blake smirked, "I found a way in."

After a short climb up the dumpster, the three of us were on the roof. With a little encouragement, the skylight popped open, giving way to the store below. Blake jumped in first, as always, followed by Sandy, and myself. The drop was about 10 feet, nothing too bad. The skylight dimly lit the interior of the store, revealing shelves of partially stocked items lightly coated with dust. Isles labeled "Pranks", "Potions", and "Spell Books" lined the store for many isles.

"This place looks way bigger inside than it does outside," Blake said, walking around. Sandy looked at me excitedly. "I thought this place was gonna be abandoned, but there's so much stuff here!" Blake shined his phone light around, examining an old pill bottle. "Seriously, this place is stocked for being out of business." He gave the bottle a turnaround, "'Underwater Breath pills'? Dude, we've got to try out some of this stuff."

"Well then," I said to the both of them, "Where do we start?"

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