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The Apocalypse

Your name is Lexus Halpas and you are one of the last men born from a woman after a strange disease wiped them out. Your father didn't take her death well and he became even more distraught when he learned that you would never know your grandmothers, your aunts, or many of your cousins. As his only child, he's hidden you from most of the world and tried to keep you safe from many of the men that would love to take advantage of you. With your dark brown hair, forest green eyes, and pointed ears, you have become the most wanted man in your city. They've wanted you even more since the invention of the Daniels Injection; a shot that changes a man's biology until they have developed an anal womb that allows them to carry children just like a female.

When the Daniels Injection came out, almost every gay man had come out to get it. But that wasn't enough to keep the population alive. So, when a man turns eighteen they are sent to the nearest clinic to measure their penis size. If their size is five inches or under hard, then they are to get the Injection and find a mate/ get impregnated within the twenty-four months. If they are six inches or above they don't have to get the Daniels Injection, but they still have to find a mate/ impregnate another man within the same time period. Now you have just turned eighteen and are required to go to the clinic as soon as possible. Of course you go, not wanting to cause any problems for you or your father. The test goes wells, they manage to get your hard and measured in a decent time. The doctor returns and you hold your breath, waiting for the result.

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