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The Birth Of A New Hero?

*drrrring* *drrrrring* *drrr* "Stop it! I'm awake" says Sam as he smashes his fist onto the alarm clock. It's a habit of his to talk to his alarm clock.He doesn't have a lot of friends, so it's refreshing for his voice to be used in a non-forced way. Sam rolls out of his bed onto the groud, not having the motivation to stand up properly. He pushes his upper-body up while his lower-body was still laying on the ground, he pulls his knees up to a kneeling position. He looks up just to see himself in the mirror.

*sigh* "I'm a mess" said sam in a quiet tone. He has black hair [Actually a dark brown, but you can only see it in the sunlight], that was long enough to reach his neck. Sam stays up and starts examining his body in the mirror. He sighs at the sight of his unfit body, he isn't fat, not at all, he's just quiet skinny and there are no muscles to be seen. He takes his glasses off of his nightstand just to remember that he hasn't put on any clothes yet. He throws his glasses onto the bed and walks over to his desk where he threw his clothes on yesterday. He puts on his black hoodie and blue denim jeans and walks over to the kitchen which was in the same room as his bed due to him only having a 1 room apartement. Sam, with the intention to make a cup of coffee, grabs the basket, which was laying on top of the kitchen table, to pull out a bag of coffee powder. Unfortunately there was none left, meaning he had to survive the day without any coffee, atleast the first few hours. Grabbing his keys and glasses, Sam walks out of his apartement onto the streets of New York City.

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