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The Book Walker

* I just wanted to say that this is my first CHYOA story and it may take a bit to get to the erotica, so sorry. But if you want you can DM me if you have any tips for my writing. Also if you have any questions, leave them in the comments, I will try to reply to them. I will also try my best to update often, but that may be difficult because of work and my writer's block. I'm also working on other things, so sorry if I don't Update for a bit. But enough of me talking let's get into the story!!*


5 year old Kevin was sitting in his room reading a BooseGumps book. He was half way through the book when he his bedroom door was opened and his dad, Jim, came in looking really scared. Kevin had never seen his dad look so scared in his entire life. His father came up to him and grabbed Kevin by his shoulders and said, " Hey sport, I need you to listen to me. Daddy's gonna have to go for a bit, ok? Now, don't worry I'll be back. But while I'm gone I need you to watch over your mother for me ok?" Kevin looked at his father with tears in his eyes and nodded. " Ok, that's good Kevin, that' s good."

" Why are you leaving daddy?"

Jim looked at his son, contemplating whether or not to tell him. " Daddy. just got into some trouble with some bad people. But don't worry I will come back."

Kevin was sobbing. He didn't want his dad to leave and he especially didn't want those bad people to catch up to him. " I don't want you to leave!"

Jim brought his son in for a hug and held on to him. " Shhhh shhhhh, it's gonna be ok. It's gonna be ok." He pulls back a bit and says, " Don't worry, it'll all be fine." He starts to tear up himself and looks his son in the eyes and says, " I love you and I know that you will grow up to be an amazing person."

" I love you too dad." Jim gets up and quickly walks out of the room. Kevin follows him to the front door as his dad looks back at him and runs out the front door and gets into his van and drives away. Kevin was about to run after his father but his mom, Karen, held him back. Kevin turns toward his mom and hugs her leg crying his eyes out. His mother is crying too as some tears fall down her face.


Kevin hits the snooze button on his alarm clock and sits up in his bed. He rubs his head and slowly remembers the details of his dream. He sighs and looks towards an old photograph on his nightstand of him and his dad. He picks it up and says, " Well, Dad. Even though you've been gone for 13 years, I still remember everything about the day you left." He takes a long look at the photo and frowns." I hope you come back soon. Mom and I still miss you." He places the photo back on his nightstand and gets out of bed to get ready for school.

Kevin tries to get around his mess off a room. " I really need to clean up" he said. He goes to his dresser and looks for something to wear. He eventually finds a shirt that looks cool and puts on the rest of his clothes and grabs his school supplies. He looks toward his bookshelf and tries to decide which book he wants to take with him today to read. He finally decides to take a book called " The Warrior Princess" since he was almost done with it. He stuffed it into his backpack and goes into the living room. As soon as he enters the living room he immediately smelled booze in the air.

He looks toward the couch and sees his mom on the couch flat out drunk. There is an empty bottle of whiskey on the floor and Kevin just sighs. This is how his mom deals with her husband being gone, she just drinks until the thought of him is no longer in her head. Kevin walks to his mom, picks up the whiskey bottle and throws it into the trash can. He goes to a closet and grabs a big blanket and covers his mom up. He then gets a bottle of water, a bottle of aspirin and leaves then on the table next to his mom along with a note saying that he loves her. With that he takes his house keys and walks outside, making sure to lock the door behind him. He looks out into the world and sees that it's a beautiful day. He then makes his way to school.


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