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The Capture Ch. 02

Africa was beautiful, all kinds of different flowers with colors to the extreme. She could hardly grasp the beauty of the area. She quickly goes to baggage claims and collects her bags.

"Hello Miss, first time to Africa?" asked a handsome olive skinned man.

"Yes it is."

"My name is Manus, nice to meet you Miss."

"Nice to meet you too Manus. My name is Tab."


"It's short for Tabitha. I don't like my full name, so I use Tab,"

"Cool, staying long?"

"A week."

"Nice. Well, I hope to see you around, I'm staying at the Kabra Waters Resort. Maybe I can take you to dinner while you're here?"

"Maybe, I'm staying at Kabra Waters as well. See you around, bye."

"Bye Tab."

Grabbing her cases she throws up a hand in farewell. Walking out the front of the airport she hails a cab. "Kabra Waters Resort, please."

"Right away ma'am."

Looking around her at the different buildings and the yards with the beautiful flowers and trees it just takes her breath away. Sitting back exhausted but so happy. The ride wasn't a very long one, the cab pulls up to the Resort. "Here we are Miss."

"How much do I owe you?"

"No owe Miss, Mister paid your fare."

"Who? I don't know no one here."

"A nice gentlemen in a suit with dark hair."

"Well thank you."

Shaking her head as she checks in to the resort and finds her room. Wonder why that man paid for my fare? She looks at the clock and notices that more than half the day is gone. Picking up the phone she dials the lobby.

"Front Lobby"

"What time does the Tikki Restaurant closes?"

"In 2 hours Miss."

"Thank you. Bye."

"Bye Miss."

She looks in the bathroom mirror checking out her appearance. Won't do, must change, this outfit got a bit dusty. She quickly hops into the shower for a quick rinse and steps out of the shower and runs back to the room.

Just wrapped in a towel she lifts her case to the bed, opens it up and pulls out all the items on hangers and gives them a good shake, placing them in the closet. Then digs out a pair of thongs with a matching bra, grabs a cute sundress from the closet. Quickly she puts on the clothes, adds a touch of eye shadow, liner, and mascara to top off the make up she chooses a light pink glaze gloss to match the light pink of the sun dress. She looks at the three pair of shoes she brought and picks out a white pair of 3" heels. Grabbing her purse she heads for the restaurant.
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