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The Colonial Period On Dacien Primaris

Thou hast answered a call by the United Federation of Civilizations for settlers to take ship for the newly discovered world of "Dacien Primaris".

The United Federation of Civilizations began as a grand experiment on on world at the center of the Northern Spiral Arm of what thou, (The Reader,) wouldst know as the Andromida Galaxy. Yet, verily, not in our own universe but one close thereto, wherein magic and the arts arcana are freely sanctioned by the gods for the use of men. Not only that however: one where dozens of races of sapient beings were created by the gods to serve them, and now war against one another among the stars, flying great ships of wood, bone, and iron in bitter wars of domination and expansion.

On the world now known as Holy Terra the gods had created a grand arena for their creations, and pitted them against one another. However, no matter how grand the arena, how deadly its traps and cunning the twists in the battle laid out by the gamemakers; nor how often fresh gladiators and beasts are brought in: the fighting will in the end draw to a close. Either the corpses of the slain will pile up till the combatants can reach the stands and take their vengeance upon their tormentors, or the fighting must be paused to clear them away, and even if this is done, if the battles are staged long enough, to carry the metaphore, like the arena in Rome an earthquake wilt topple the walls, loosing both gladiator and beast to run amok in the streets!

It was a combination of these events that occurred on Holy Terra, some among its greatest heroes became strong enough to enter the realm of the gods and demand answers for the suffering of the common folk that the gods were in no position to refuse, meanwhile, two metaphorical earthquakes toppled the barriers separating the different parts of the world: the discovery of the spell-jamming helm and the invention of Smoke-Powder/Guns.

Guns we shall speak of first, for it is the simpler of the two. Smoke-Powder is a simple alchemical concoction consisting of only three ingredients in exacting proportions. It is dangerous to make, use and store, but undeniable in its utility. Smoke-Powder burns incredibly hot and quickly, allowing it to, when properly utilized, explode. This has many applications, but the most obvious and important is as the fuel for Firearms and Cannons. Compacted into the barrels of these mighty weapons behind the bullet or cannonball, Smoke-Powder is ignited through a "touchhole" with a torch or slow burning cord known as a 'match'. The smoke-powder then burns so quickly that the resulting super-heated smoke expands so rapidly that it can only escape by forcing the bullet or cannonball out the barrel of the weapon at immense speed. The invention of these mighty weapons allowed the five great civilisations on Holy Terra to conquer all other nations and forge an enduring alliance which began The United Federation of Civilizations.

Now to speak of Spell-Jamming Helms. Though known of in arcane circles for centuries Spell-Jamming ships rarely visited Holy Terra, warned away by their priests because of the grand contest occurring there. However, when The United Federation of Civilizations heard of the existence of this new avenue for expansion they poured resources into discovery of the secrets behind Spell-Jamming magic, soon enough creating one of the only Helm Foundries in all of space not controlled by the "Arcane".

A Spell-Jamming 'Helm' is a peculiar magical device which is attached to the deck of a Spell-Jamming ship, typically in the form of an ornate and comfortable throne. Someone who is capable of using magic then sits in or otherwise touches the helm and powers it by slowly pushing their mana into it. This allows the ship to travel at trans-luminal speeds, making a trip from Holy Terra to its moon Luna in only a few seconds, or from Holy Terra to some of the nearest systems in but a few weeks. The closer one is to aught save the void, thin gas, and fine dust of deep space the slower a helm travels, thus avoiding catastrophic collisions, so while you can travel at super-luminal speed between systems within a system it can take far longer to get from one planet to another depending on the amount of debris in the system. In Holy Terra's system for example, it can take upwards of a month to reach Jovius from Holy Terra, what with the asteroids between them, unless you move above the system plane, which risks you dying of starvation or suffocation if you encounter a sargasso.

Any ship that can sail the seas can sail the stars as well, but only large ships can do so effectively. Running out of potable water and rations are one source of shiping failures, but more importantly ships only carry so much breathable AIR inside the gravity well generated by the Helm, and you need frequent stops at planets with breathable atmospheres to replenish your air supplies. Most ships making long voyages bring on priests as crew who can use magic to restore the air envelopes, but every so often a ship will be found with fouled air and a dead crew...

Back to the beginning of The United Federation of Civilizations.

With knowledge of the Spell-Jamming helm and a fleet of Starships built based on the best designs for seagoing warships their engineering corps could divine, the United Federation of Civilizations went out exploring...

They found that much of the galaxy was uninhabited, or only sparsely populated. They encountered several other planets whose population was only too happy to join them if it meant access to the vast resources of the stars, and these they welcomed among their numbers.

When they encountered pirates such as the Negoi and Illithids their cannon broadsides proved stronger by far than the pirate's catapults and balistae. Several wars were fought against these space faring raiders, wars the federation won. Planets were liberated, others convinced that joining the defenses against the star reavers was preferable to being collateral damage, and bit by bit the enemy was pushed back.

However, the United Federation of Civilizations was soon to encounter two rival star empires which they couldn't so easily set to rout, for they were more organized and entrenched by far: the Unhuman Empire and the Elven Imperium. Wars were fought against each group, wars which ended inconclusivelly: resulting in two area's of space both called "the border stars" where neither group was supposed to go.

Meanwhile, the Federation expanded in other directions, (for space is vast and 3 dimensional,) including doing a great deal of Terraforming and colonization of uninhabited planets, such as Dacien Primaris...

Before we doth go one inch further, we must know who thou art...

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