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The Cursed Cock

The woman yawns and stretches out on her bed.

She rubs the sleep from her eyes and looks around.

The bed is empty aside from her. The man she was with is gone.

She closes her eyes once more and listens, expecting to hear sounds from the bathroom or kitchen.


She frowns.

She remembers the evening before. The man had been so charming. He swept her off her feet and whispered sweet nothing in her ear.

Oh, sure, she knew he was using her for sex. Still, she expected at least some company the morning after. She had thought they hit it off.

She shrugs and thinks to herself. "Well. Maybe he just had somewhere to be."

She gets out of bed and starts on her morning routine, heading first to the bathroom.

However, once there, she stops and looks at the sink. There. Something that shouldn't be there. It glistens in the light of the bathroom. A piece of jewelery.

A ring.

She picks it up and inspects it. Her eyes widden.

A wedding ring.

"No," she thinks to herself. "No, he wasn't wearing... He didn't even have a tan on his finger. How..."

The woman is always careful. She never sleeps with married men. She knows too well how it feels when a husband cheats on a wife. She vowed long ago never to be "the other woman."

The man had broken her trust. More importantly, he had broken his wife's trust.

The woman's face darkens.

"He will pay for this."

She goes about her morning routine and thinks to herself.

"A man cheats because he's thinking with his little head rather than his big one. So... I'll make his little head pay."

The woman's eyes glow faintly as she makes her way to her spell book.

The different branches of this story will focus on different guys and different curses, like an anthology. If you have any suggestions for curses, let me know in the comments!

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