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The Drunk Virus

With all necessary care, Jenny Billings and her brother John place the last crates of lettuce, cabbage and cucumbers into the trunk of her black minivan. Once a month, Jenny goes to the countryside and visits the little farm of her sibling for a new supply of fruit and vegetables. "Strange thing happened this morning", John suddenly remarks. "Old Ramirez came to my house, totally upset and babbling something about a flying saucer or a spaceship that he claims to have seen over the river after midnight." Jenny laughs and shakes her head. "Poor old fool. The Latinos of this generation are all extremely superstitious. Maybe he should finally sell his farm and move into a retirement home." Twenty minutes later, when Jenny is driving along the old River Road, she thinks of the "flying saucer" again when suddenly a dark figure wielding a double-barreled shotgun jumps in front of her car. Startled, she brakes violently and rolls down her window. "Ah, thank goodness! It's only you, Jenny!" Ramirez lowers his gun and steps nearer. "Watch out, there are some very strange things going on. Have you ever seen anything like that? I found it in my cornfield today." The old farmer pulls a small red object from the pocket of his overall and hands it over to the blonde woman. Jenny weighs the funny thing in her hand and shrugs. She cannot even tell whether it is made of metal or plastic. On the bottom side of the object, she discovers some strange symbols faintly resembling that script from Star Wars. "Don't worry, Mr. Ramirez", she says good-naturedly. "I guess this is just a children's toy. I don't know it, but my girls probably could tell." Handing the artefact back to the farmer, she bids him farewell and continues on her way home. When she arrives at her suburban residence, she has already forgotten about the peculiar incident.

When Jenny walks into the kitchen next morning after showering, dressing and doing her make up, she feels an unfamiliar tingle throughout her body. She senses that she is missing something, but she has no idea what it could be. Slowly munching her cereal breakfast, she muses about her duties of the day. After taking Sarah to school, she has some paperwork to do at the office. Then she will have lunch with some old friends, and in the afternoon she will meet a client who will hopefully award a contract to her company. For the evening, she has been invited to a formal dinner party. While Jenny is busy packing her briefcase, her children breakfast and get ready to leave. Of course they forgot to put the milk back into the fridge! Jenny takes the milk carton, opens the fridge door and places it in its usual spot. Absent-mindedly, she grabs the open wine bottle from the door shelf and pours herself a decent glassful. Greedily downing the content, she suddenly feels an unkown satisfaction. To be honest, it's nearly like a sexual arousal. Quickly pouring another glass, she hears her daughters coming downstairs. Jenny slams back the heavy red wine and hastily puts the bottle back. "Are you coming, Mom?" Sarah inquires. "Uhm ... just a little moment, honey", her mother purrs and hurries over into the living room. Without even knowing why she is doing this, she takes the whiskey bottle from the liquor cabinet and pours a half-pint into her travel mug, topping it up with the usual coffee. The wine has already made her a little dizzy, but she feels that she hasn't had nearly enough of it. Stepping into the hallway, Jenny sternly eyes up her daughters, hoping that they didn't notice anything. The girls blink for a second as if someone put a grain of sand into their eyes. "Come on, girls", Jenny points at the door. Mary suddenly hesitates. "Uhm ... I'll leave in a minute. I guess I forgot to pee." Jenny shrugs with a disapproving frown. "Okay", she sighs. "But don't forget to lock the door!" - "Sure, Mom!" Jenny ushers Sarah outside and walks over to the double garage, feeling a little unsteady in the process.

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