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The Experiment

Doctor Anju Chowdry adjusted her spectacles before she read the paperwork that her young assistant gave her.

“I take that you have checked all this, Daniel?” Asked the middle-aged Indian woman with a smile.

“Oh yes, Doctor.” Replied her very young and very attractive assistant. “And I have checked the subjects. They are in their rooms and sedated.”

"And I take it that they have all signed the consent forms?"

In reply, Daniel went over to a desk and pulled out some papers.

“Excellent. Now have you applied the sex hormone yet?” Her eyes swept over him, imagining the young subtle body under the lab coat he was wearing.

“Oh yes.” And she noticed that his eyes returned the favour.

Feeling decidedly hot, Doctor Chowdry went through the paperwork. “Let’s hope that these trials are more successful than the last ones.”

“I am sure it will, Doctor. We have increased the dosage by 200 percentage.”

“Excellent. I hope this time that we have got the formula right.”

Doctor Chowdry could not stop looking at the young man. Before the trials had started, she would have never even taken any notice of him. Especially as she was a happily married woman and he was only in his early twenties. But now.

She wondered if it was anything to do with the experimental hormone? Neither have taken it but possibly being in close proximity?

Doctor Chowdry flushed at the thought.

“Anyway, shall we?”

“Shall we what?” Her assistant was obviously having trouble concentrating himself.

“Shall we inspect our subjects?”

Gods! He’s handsome!


Leading the way, Daniel led Doctor Chowdry out into the hall where the rooms containing their subjects were.

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