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The Girl Who fell from The Sky

Disclaimer. I do not own either One Piece or Ranma 1/2 and have no rights to the characters.

All characters in these stories are eighteen years of age or older.


A heavy set man slams his fist down on the head of a small crying boy who is knuckling his eyes with his small hands.

“Wa, wa, wa! You want your mommy! What are you, a girl?”

The boy glares at the man, his cheeks covered in tear tracks as he yells, “I’m not a girl!”


A couple of years later the same man is dragging the same boy, this time wrapped in fish sausages toward a trapdoor, from which the sound of a hundred cats wailing for food can be heard.

“What is wrong with you? You’ll never master the Cat Fist if you don’t do the training! Quit acting like some scared little girl.”

“I ain’t scared of nothing, you stupid old fart! And I’m not a girl!”


Yet more years later. The man is dragging the boy, now fifteen years old, away from a vacant field.

“It’s been three days, idiot! If that boy was going to get here for your man-to-man fight he would have been here by now. Quit acting like a girl waiting for the boy she likes to call!”

“But Ryoga’s my friend you stupid old man. I can’t run out on him! And I don’t act like a girl!”


Six months later, in China, a small red-headed girl who is standing in a small pool of water has pulled open the front of her martial arts gi and is looking at a very female chest in horror.

Next to the pool a man dressed in a classic Mao uniform is looking on with a sorrowful look on his face. “Oh, is too bad. Mr. Customer fall into spring of Drowned Girl. Very tragic story of girl who drowned fifteen hundred years ago. Now whoever falls into spring turns into girl when splashed with cold water.”

“No way. I can’t be a girl!” The girl wails.


“So cold water turns you into a girl, but hot water turns you back,” Soun Tendo said as he tried to pour water from a boiling kettle overtop of Ranma. “That’s not so bad.”

“Hot water, not boiling!” Ranma yelled as she ducked away from the stream of boiling water. “And how is this not so bad?” She demanded.

A minute later she is seated at a table facing three girls ranging from her age upwards. “These are my daughters, Kasumi, age 19, Nabiki, age 17, and Akane age 16. Pick the one you want to marry.”

“Oh, he wants Akane, father.” the oldest one said, shoving her youngest sister ahead like a sacrificial lamb.

“Definitely, the next oldest one chimed in.”

“What! I’m not going to marry that pervert.” The youngest one protested.

“You say you hate boys. Well, he’s a girl half the time, so it’s okay.”

“Okay is not the word,” both Akane Tendo and Ranma Saotome chorused together.

Ranma then adds, “And I ain’t no girl.”

They were ignored as everyone else in the room agreed they were the best match to join the two families as per the drunken agreement the father’s had made two decades previously.


Two years passed. The boy who was not a girl fought monsters, and even a self-proclaimed god and won. Sometimes as a boy, sometimes as a girl. he competed in competitions to prove his girl side was cuter than his current female rival, who turned out to be a trans, and won. His girl side got kissed, by a boy, and kicked his ass, as a guy. And overall he spent what seemed like half his time as a girl.

Now after the last battle he walked in the sunset with the girl who was his fiancee, by arrangement and reflected on his life.

"Does it bother you?" Akane asked him.


"That Jusenkyo was destroyed in the battle with Saffron? It may never recover enough to cure your curse."

Ranma considered the question, just as a passing car splashed him with water. Without a wasted motion the now female Ranma tightened the waistband of her pants to keep them from falling off, and checked to make sure that her breasts hadn't popped out of the front of her shirt. That done she answered Akane. "I don't really mind. Being a girl isn't so bad. It's just, I don't know complicated. I could really go for a lot less complicated life. I sort of miss traveling with my pop. All I had to do was train. He looked after everything else. Compared to the shit I have to put up with being a girl is way down on the list of things to be worried about."

Akane really didn't have an answer to that. She was responsible for a lot of the complication in Ranma's life, but like Ranma it was all tied up in family honor. Her feelings were ambivalent about Ranma. Thinking about being married to a boy who was also a fully biological girl was difficult for her to wrap her mind around. She did know that she truly liked Ranma, even if she wasn't sure it was that way. She hoped he'd get his wish for a less complicated life. But, she had no idea how it would be possible.

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