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The Good Place

You open your eyes, quickly realizing that you're sitting on it extremely comfortable couch and what looks like a welcoming waiting room. On the taupe wall in front of you, between two tall and leafy plants, is written "Welcome! Everything is okay." in large, easy to read mint blue letters.

You look down and realize that you're wearing the same clothes that you remember wearing just a moment ago. But this isn't where you were, and you don't recognize this place, and to be honest, you aren't sure how you got here.

There is a door to your left and a door to your right. Neither of them are marked but both of them are a rich dark cherry color that matches the simple baseboards separating the taupe wall from the light colored wood floor.

The room smells like sunshine. It smells like your childhood memories of your grandmother's kitchen. You're as calm as you can ever remember being, and you realize that the welcoming words on the wall are exactly correct: Everything is okay.

It is at that moment that the door on your right opens far enough for a head to peek through the crack between the door and the jamb. It belongs to a redhead with her hair pulled neatly back in a bun with two silver and Ebony hair pins holding it in place. Her face is friendly. She is smiling at you with soft pink painted lips and the smile reaches the corners of her sky blue eyes. She must only be about 5 ft tall, and from what you can see of her clothes, she's wearing a sundress the bandages to look comfortable and formal at the same time.

"Hi!" she says in a friendly voice that manages to be husky and helpful at the same time. "I'm Amber, come on in..."

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