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The Night Prince

Meet the Vampiric Prince Vellen...

An admirable young man born to privilege, sharp of mind and grace Vellen's earliest records of existence were discovered to be from the time of crusades sharing space with many Kindred royalty of Old; Vlad being one of these if we were to name names. The exact years were strangely vague as staggered the stories of this Prince and others like him were inconsistent like pages torn from history. Our dear Vellen enjoyed the mystery so much so that one could find him claiming he was around in ages of ancient Greece; he certainly enjoyed the telling the tales of his conquests and submission to figures of legend, though eluding to having shared a silk bed with the likes of Achilles is a bit far fetched.

Prince Vellen confirmed himself to be the son of a buried kingdom, admitting to his former human frailty and that it was well known amongst his peers of the age. These peers had looked down upon him as less than qualified for the crown his physical prowess severely lacking for the first born of a militant Tyrant. Many rumours among other older Kindred claim he was a gentle creature but neither of these facts are spoken above a cold whisper these nights. Taken to artistic pursuits and studies it many an attempt had been made to supplant the first born son, assassination attempts abound, and poisoning... one could assume these attempts while not ending his life had left their mark on the boy as he grew.

These weaknesses of the flesh may have hindered him but the blessing... or curse of effeminate beauty took root as the boy grew into adulthood, his instructors seeking to train strength only enhanced the tone and shape of firm femanly hips a soft accentuation of muscles; if not for the generous appendage and the lack of breasts one would assume him an athletic woman. Vellen rarely speaks of how, or when he was turned or whom his Sire was the obvious fact was he was gifted unlife at the peak of his beauty.

Regardless of his mirky history, gender roles lost its meaning to the Prince dressing as he pleased, lusting after whom he pleased partaking of male and female company sating curiosity and staving off boredom exploring the sensations availed to him. Although his history wasn't spent entirely on his back or mounted upon another lover, responsibilities to his new family and the Rules of the Masquerade keeping secret his nature and aiding to silence those that broke these rules they'd all agreed to abide by for as long as they walked amongst human kind.

Vellen had been offered to a position amongst his new family, his Clan though regretfully accepting responsibility. Sitting at the head of his house under the umbrella of the Camarilla; the Organized rulers and enforcers of Vampiric Law and Traditions each house expected and held accountable to one another in the grand scheme of things, Vellen has had to uphold these Traditions as any other of his kin were expected:

The Traditions were as follows.

First Traditon-The Masquerade:

Thou shall not reveal thy true nature to those not of the Blood.

Doing such shall renounce thy claims of Blood.

Second Tradition-The Domain:

Thy domain is thine own concern.

All others owe thee respect while in it.

None may challenge thy word while in thy domain.

Third Tradition- The Progeny:

Thou shall only Sire another with the permission of thine Elder.

If thou createst another without thine Elder's leave, both thou and thy Progeny shall be slain.

Fourth Traditon- The Accounting:

Those thou create are thine own children.

Until thy Progeny shall be Released, thou shall command them in all things.

Their sins are thine to endure.

Fifth Tradition- The Hospitality:

Honor one another's domain.

When thou comest to a foreign city, thou shall present thyself to the one who ruleth there.

Without the word of acceptance, thou art nothing.

Sixth Tradition- The Destruction:

Thou art forbidden to destroy another of thy kind.

The right of destruction belongeth only to thine Elder.

Only the Eldest among thee shall call the Blood Hunt.

Vellen while carrying a distaste for Rules and the Term Elder; Seeing himself as eternally young ofcourse oversaw his house and Domain with the help of his Brood has maintained his holdings for a long time and against much advise deals with many issues personally. Rather than the boredom of delegation the more interesting problems that crop up provide entertainment for the centuries old Vampire... and its always interesting to pull back the curtain on Kindred unaware of the Prince's existence and appearance. The realization and cowering were very fun to witness first hand.

Lastly one may want to know which Bloodline Prince Vellen calls his own, Well that is a mystery we're about to discover right now.

(OOC: Simplified for Narrative purposes and cuz I want to, and Nosferatu are not included because of story reasons being not applicable to Vellen so this is not complete list for those familiar with the background.)


-Stronger and Tougher than average Vampires

-Unaturally terrifiying Presence on command

-Irrational, Tempermental and Rebellious under stress ei) hungry, injured etc...


-Shapeshifters able to take on the shapes of beasts, man and somewhere in between growing claws as needed

-Regenerative abilities beyond typical Vampires

-Discomfort with modern civilized things, clothing, technology, crowded places under stress.


-Insight into the minds and motives of others, mild ability to uncover secrets and divine future events.

-Impose temporary hallucinations upon another, touch taste sight or hearing as desired.

-Suffers from a form mild form incurable madness, severity climbs under stress.


-Charming presence that bends the senses of others to make you more pleasant or desirable to another.

-Inhuman speed to the point of being seen as little more than a blur.

-Obsession with beauty to the point of abandoning a current goal to pursue or simply observe this beauty.


-Wielders of Blood magic they can bend shape and twist the blood of another to harm, hinder or manipulate.

-The ability to sense any thing with a beating heart within a certain space hidden or otherwise at will.

-Often falls to the compulsion of perfection, failure frustrates and drives them to engage in an activity until it succeeds or begins to lead toward imminent death.


-Hypnotic stare allowing one to Dominate the mind of a lesser being for a time.

-Commanding Presence, can exude an aura of authority and respect over a room.

-Particular tastes, Ventrue will not feed on just anyone even if they are starving they find a particular type of blood or person of standing and stick with it.

(OOC: Feel free to leave comments I'd love to hear what you all have to say I THRIVESon feedbavk. And I'm using White Wolfs: World of Darkness as a background for the stories Lore and making things up as needed.)

To be continued....

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