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The Orcish Raids

The small village of Brightan is a peaceful village near the edge of the kingdoms borders. There is nothing of interest in the village and it serves no strategic value but the people of Brightan live in peace. As per all villages in the kingdom the village has a small barracks in case of attacks from the tribes of Orcs and Goblins that still roam the kingdom mainly attacking trade caravans. The village also contained a small chapel where the people could pray to the goddess, a tavern, and several stores for passing adventurers.

Life had always been quiet in the village and all the villagers had gotten used to the simple life. Yet one night all that changed, it was late one evening and most of the village was asleep yet all life changed. A tribe of Orcs had decided to use their brains all attacking Brightan in the dead of night, sneaking into the village before launching their attack. They raided the village quickly setting fire to all the houses they could find, killing whoever stood against them and kidnapping whatever females they could find. It was the night where the lucky few died and the unlucky were forced to become Orc slaves.

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