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The Summer of Us

May 9th,2013, I pickup my bags from the luggage carousel at Pearson International Airport.I'm back form my first year of Cambridge University business school.Passing customs easily i walk out into the bright afternoon sun.I think about using the last of my money to taxi home,but settle on taking the Mississauga transit since it's cheaper.

After transferring on to two different routes,i'm only a block away from home.Taking my phone out i check for a signal,then dial home.After five rings it's answered.

"Hello,Wilson residence,can i help you?" My mom always polite,even to phone solicitors.

"Is this Mrs. Wilson? I afraid i have some bad news for you." I stop long enough for her to react "I'm afraid that you have to set an additional plate at the dinner table tonight. Seems your son Grayson will be there in an half hour."

"My son is in England for your information,now who is this and what do you want before i hang up."

Laughing! "Oh come on it hasn't been that long since i last called that my mom doesn't even recoginizes her son's voice?"

"Grayson! is that you,where are you?"

"About to come through the gate mom, talk to you in person then!"

I stop to look at the old home.I have sure missed this place. Entering the gate i climb the stairs to the veranda,knock on the door and wait. The door opens and mom dressed in a green dress covered by an apron,throws her arms around he.Pulling me into the house i drop my bags at the base of the stairs to the upeer floor.

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