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The Way Back Home

Today was the day!
It was THE day!

Alice had been waiting for this day for years. She was finally going back home.
Alice Lidwell, twenty two years old, was the personal assistant of one Count Bernard Muldoon who had been chosen as an overseer of a small monarchy in a land far, far away from the holy empire from which Alice and the Count originated. The Count’s mission was supposed to last for the whole of two years and was he allowed to take with him a set amount of gold and two of his personal staff. He chose Alice and also his younger brother Jeffry Muldoon to serve as his advisor.

Alice had set the perfect plan for the day, a simple one, they would wake up, have breakfast, say their farewells to the king and set off for Port Tanner. ‘’Nothing can go wrong’’ thought Alice when she woke up and that thought stuck with her until she and her travel companions entered the rundown throne room of the tribal kings castle.
‘’Well mister Count’’ said King Tuck the Fire Bringer (so called for his tendency to set fire to his enemies homes) He downed a cup of ale before he continued, the drink spilling on his dirty grey coat. ‘’You’ve been a right good mate for these years, and a fine overseeker or whatever them empire grotts named ‘ya. ‘’ he said and stood up from his rusty old throne. ‘’So ‘tis with some tear sheddin’ that I say good bye to you.’’

Count Bernard stepped forward and said ‘’It saddens me too that I must leave, but my home stead needs me.’’ The king nodded and took another drink from his cup. ‘’But if I could ask you one thing Bernard’’ said the king and tossed his empty cup to one of his servants, ‘’is if you could leave me something to remember this time of you being here.’’
The Count looked at the king with a puzzled look on his face. ‘’Well I guess I could leave you one of my possessions…’’ The king cut him off mid-sentence. ‘’I was thinkin’ more in the way of that pretty little piece of ass you brought with ‘ya’’ He said and glanced at Alice with the most lustful grin.

Alice, who had up to that point been perfectly quiet, let out a slight whimper as she heard the old king say that.

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