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The new Human

You open your eyes and all you see is blur and through it, a ray of light. You've never seen light before but by the intensity you can tell that this is artificial.

You move your right arm in front of you. By the sensation around your body and what your eyes perceive, you can tell that you are in a liquid. You push your hand in front of you and your palm contact with an obstacle.

A high sound suddenly resonated with a red light which began to blink. The sound sounded like an alarm but... how do you know this? This is the first time that you ever see, hear and feel, so, how can you know how an alarm sounds like or even what is an alarm?

The barrier you were pushing against quickly go down, making the water like substance fall out, bringing you with it. You find yourself on a cold and now wet floor. You raise your head and see a skull, staring at you with its empty eye sockets. Once again, you have no idea how you know it but you just have that knowledge.

You push yourself up with your wobbly arms, using them for the first time. Next, you use your legs, shaking, and preventing you from getting up without struggle. You push yourself up with a nearby chair and now, you stand at your full eight.

Looking down, you realized that you are naked, just like the "newborn" you are supposed to be. Your body is already muscled with toned abdominals and pectorals. Your arms and legs seem physically developed as well. You notice that your penis is also developed as well: 4 inches long at rest.

You take you first step and look around you. The floor feels cold against your feet and your eyes are now habituated to the light.

There are many monitors and desk chairs around the glass tube where you are coming from. But you see only one skeleton on the floor, in front of that same tube. By the dusty clothes he is wearing you can assume that it was a scientist.

But how do you know this? You know that you were "born" minutes and that you are aware of what is around you. Except for these, you have no memory of some sort except a name.


Could this be you? Is this this skeleton?

Your head now hurting and your new heart pulsing, you look around for answers.

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