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Titans forever

Both the warriors stare were staring other down as the battle draws closer, one fighter is on the brink of death having done barely any damage to his opponent. Reaching for his sword, he knew he only had a single chance to-.


"NO" I yell in utter frustration while gripping the controller tightly, Beast boy has beaten me again "I was so close to winning this time."

"Dude you only hit me like twice" looking up at the TV the winning player had two health bars missing of the total 20 it possessed.

"Ok I think I got the hang of this now, let's go again," I demand leaning forward on the sofa I'm determined to win at least once at this game. I had only started using the console recently since I wasn't the most tech-savvy person in the world having grown up not aware of basic computers until I joined the group.

"Doesn't matter how many matches we have I'll still beat ya" Beast boy giggling to himself before I could fire back a response I feel a large metal hand on my shoulder. The calm aura of Cyborg fills the room as the big-hearted man bears his white teeth in a friendly smile. "Don't worry, Dude you'll have plenty of time to practise while were away."

"Ya but he'll probably spend it training or making out with Raven," BB says before puffing his lips to mimic a broad kiss. I had been distant with the Titans when I first joined, but over time our relationship improved. However, I'm not someone who trusts easily. The controller Beat Boy was holding then smacks into his face, suddenly throwing him off the sofa.

"Hey!" he yells out, annoyed, rubbing the red mark on his head from the impact.

The smell of Raven fills my nose, not in a bad way. She smelt of old leather and smoke from all the books she reads. Beast boy, however, smells of like an unwashed dog while Cyborg doesn't have too much of smell other than oil and metal.

"You two were supposed to be leaving for your trip an hour ago," a cold voice mutters behind us, Raven moved over to the sofa and sat down furthest away from me before opening her book to read. A feeling of awkwardness fills the room, when Raven noticed me sitting on the sofa, her eyes turn to beast boy as if I wasn't in the room.

"Hey, we're going away for a few weeks. I just want to play one more game" Beast boy hops back onto the sofa controller in hand. "Yo BB she's right we should head out we don't want to miss the opening night of the world's largest gamer gathering!" Cyborg yells in excitement before heading towards the door followed closely by Beast Boy who's turned into a monkey bouncing off the walls.

"See ya." He yells before the door closes, leaving me alone with Raven who is now sitting uncomfortable across from me, hands nervously play with her cloak. "Robin and Star Fire are off the world for stars celebration, and the others just left," she says her in her familiar cold voice sounding a bit more quiet than usual.

"Ya, we have a few weeks to ourselves." I couldn't help but feel and uncomfortable aura emanating from the conversation. I never know what to say to her. She's always been distant to me in the months I've been here. At first, I just thought it was distrust, but now I'm worried she knows something about me, but robin wouldn't have told her anything without asking me first.

Before I could ask, she had already gotten to her feet. She was looking even more nervous than before, "Alright, I'm going to my room."

She paused and looked in my direction as if expecting me to say something,

"Ok, err guess I'll go do some training." I stand up, and it looks like Raven wanted to say something, but she stayed silent until the doors closed behind me.

A few hours later I've worked up a good sweat with the weights attached to my legs and arms, hopping around the room I try to move like a blur doing my best to keep my mind off three weeks alone with Raven. she has never been too keen to be around me, always avoiding staying in the same room if it's just us.

'Well it's only three weeks." Deciding that I was done with the warm-up I drew my two blades that were on my lower back. "what's the worst that can happen?

Wiping myself down I take a breath and make sure the weights are secured, jumping forward, I started to get into a rhythm before a voice calls out to me. "Rider" it took me by surprise, and I misplaced my foot and fell face-first into the hard floor.

"Raven?" I ask confused, rubbing my now sore nose.

"I didn't have time to come get you. We have a situation in the city. I need you on the roof, now."

She sounded worried "Ok" Leaving the heavyweights behind, I throw on my white cloak and move to the roof where Raven is waiting.

"What's the issue?" I ask

"I'll explain on the way, hold on" with a flick of her wrist she was lifting me in the air with her powers.

"What the hell am I supposed to hold onto?!" I yell as we fly over the sea towards the city, I'm not good with heights one of my many faults ill admits. Either she didn't hear me or didn't have an answer because she started to give me the rundown on the situation.

"We got an alarm at a bank."

"A bank? Isn't that more police work? Us going in is like using a rocket launcher on a mouse."

"Normally yes, but this is one of the most secured palaces in the city, you'd need some serious firepower to break in."

"Fair point."

A few minutes later we're touching down outside a large bank.

Immediately something caught my attention, the Bank, there was no sign of forced entry or anything wrong at all. It just looked like a sizeable closed bank.

"Is this the right place?" I ask, confused as the building looks completely untouched. Raven looks just as baffled "not sure, but this doesn't feel right."

"No, it doesn't."

What's next?

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