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Touhou Mind Control

This story is fiction! All characters are over the age of 18.

Gensokyo is a land of possibilities and opportunities, even for a lowly mundane human such as yourself. At the very least, strange things can happen and fortunes can change. You are down on your luck, at your lowest, but things are really about to turn around. You find yourself in the local pawn shop selling your family heirloom, an ornamental vase passed down through generations. You are given 100 monme for it, not bad but probably not enough to save you from your current financial crisis. Being in the shop you couldn’t help but notice it was full of antiques, perhaps pretty standard for any pawn shop but this shop seemed special. For one, everything was a complete mess. Chests full of relics piled upon shelves full of other items. As you stand in the pawn shop holding your money in your hand you decide to look around a little. Not to buy anything of course, that would be a terrible financial decision, but that kind of behaviour was not uncharacteristic of you, considering how you ended up in this mess. In the corner of the shop, after moving a pile of books off of a box you see something peculiar. It’s a very old coin, you’re not even sure from what era or if it was ever legal tender. It’s wrapped around a piece of old string. You decide to pick it up and examine it. You hold it in your hand and feel its weight and texture, it’s quite light and there seems to be something inscribed on its surface but the characters are too ancient for you to read. You hold it by the string and start swinging it like a pendulum. As it swings in front of your eyes you feel a strange aura about it. It’s definitely something really special, it’s… entrancing. You could feel there was definitely something special about this unique yet seemingly plain artifact. You decided you wanted it, no you needed it. There was just something about it, it was if it was controlling you to buy it. So you decide to at least inquire about the coin and return to the counter. The old bi-spectacled man sat at his counter reading an ancient-looking book. He notices you approaching the counter once again and raises his head, looking at you in the corner of his eye.

“Back for more? What is it?” he addresses you curtly, wanting to return to reading his book.

“Well what can you tell me about this?” you reply, holding up the coin you discovered by the string.

“Hey! Don’t just wave that thing around!” he exclaims, something clearly has gotten him riled up.

“Wait, why not?” you lower the coin at his request, suddenly your brain is filled with confusion, as well as curiosity.

“Where did you find that thing?” the man answers your question with a question, clearly at least somewhat confused as well.

“It was underneath some boxes over there. Is it for sale?” even though you don't know what this mysterious artifact was, your mind immediately goes to wanting to purchase it.

“That thing’s bad news, but also very powerful. If you want it so badly you can have it, but I’ll make you pay.” the pawn broker’s expression turns into that of a sly smile.

“H-how much?” you respond nervously.

“100 monme.” he states plainly.

“But that’s all the money you just gave me!” you are a bit taken aback to say the least.

“Do you really want it?” he gave you a knowing smile.

“Fine.” you place your bag of money right on the counter with a thump and a jingle. You leave the pawn shop equally poor as you had entered, without your vase, but you got something much more valuable. You soon discover that as you suspected, this was no ordinary coin. When you swing it in front of people’s faces they become much easier to manipulate, they will simply listen to you, like some kind of mind control. Of course the first thing you did with it was convince your landlord to forget about this month’s rent. Then you just used it to get free yakitori. The more you used it the more opportunities for mischief you imagined in your head, until finally your horniness got the better of you and you decided to use it to get some coochie. That was today. Youkai? Human? You could fuck whoever you want in all of Gensokyo with this wonderful coin.

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