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Training Time

As I walked into the office one fall morning, my ears were greeted by the noise of singing. Setting my stuff down on my desk, I rushed to the conference room to see the commotion. As I got closer, I was able to identify the song they were singing as 'The Birthday Song'. When I arrived I saw that the birthday girl was one of our new interns, Alexa Silver. And thanks to the cake, I was able to see that she was celebrating her 21th birthday.

While still considered "new" to the firm, Alexa got here only a few weeks after me, who at this point was considered a regular around the large accounting firm. I had gotten here in early June, desperately needing a job after graduating Princeton less than a month before. This proved to be the prefect one for me, as the family like atmosphere quickly too me in.

Just as it has for young Alexa, who I had no idea was already turning 21. From what I know, Alexa came to New York following her boyfriend. Then, after having thrown 4 years of her life down the drain, she was forced to find some kind of living to support herself. Which brought her here, although I kind of doubt her road was that easy.

None of this seems to matter though, as she is beaming at the recognition she is given by her coworkers. I head over to grab a slice, as I forgot to eat breakfast this morning, and notice that Alexa is all by herself.

What's next?

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