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Trouble at the Timeshare

Matt had no reason to feel particularly proud of his 'accomplishment.' All he had done was put an extension on the browser of a public library computer that collects passwords and forwards them to his email, but it still felt rather thrilling to suddenly have such intimate access to other people's lives. He wasn't sure what would come of it, or if he would even do anything with the information.

One particularly boring night, he decides to pop into one of the dozens of accounts he had managed to nick, seeing a long email chain that the owner was writing with a friend. Apparently she was boasting about winning an extremely-expensive vacation at a high-tech resort. It hadn't even opened to the public yet, with the current clientele made up of a mix of affluent social elites, accomplished social influencers and reviewers, and vacation industry bigwigs.

Considering he had nothing else going on, he found the email that confirmed her prize and spoofed the email to send her a follow-up saying that 'due to unforeseen consequences,' the vacation would have to be postponed to a later date, and that there would be a follow-up communication to work out the date. "This can't possible work, though..." he muses to himself as he sends it off.

The next morning, he reopens [email protected] and sees that she had added to the chain email with her friend:

'OMG noo! I took time off from work already. Now what am I going to do? D:'

She actually bought it?

Flabbergasted, Matt instinctively checked flights to the 'Diamond Sands' resort, already having all the information he would need to get into the high tech beachfront suite. In his hurry, he forgets several things, but the frantic flight over to the island leaves his luggage delayed anyway.

It's a bit tense when he gets to the resort itself. He feels out-of-place among all the well-to-do socialites and elites, but they probably thought he was staff anyway. He sighs when he finally gets to the suite assigned to Vanessa, entering the code from the email and letting out yet another deep sigh as the door actually opens. "Just have to lay low..."

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