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Truth or Dare

{Hey there! This is Haybre and welcome to my first story on CHYOA. While I’ve toyed with and written a couple of various short stories in the past, this is the first one I’ve decided to invest some real time and energy into. With that, feedback would be so amazing and I would love to hear what you all think about it. Hope you enjoy}


The mattress sunk into the bed frame as the weight of Jordan’s decision grew larger and larger. Only a few of the young adults at Thorsblood Academy had begun playing the game, but then again only a chosen few had received invitations. Jordan had not even understood the bizarre behavior of his classmates until he himself had received an invitation.

The rules were quite simple. A four person game of truth or dare, with two guys and two girls. The starting player would challenge one of the other three with the simple inquiry: “truth or dare?” Every player was permitted to choose three truths per round and unlimited dares. Upon successful completion of the challenge, that player would then become the issuer of a new challenge. If that player refused the challenge or was unsuccessful in the completion of a dare, they would be assigned a penalty and the issuer of their challenge would then get to challenge one of the other two players. When two of the four players had used up all of their truths, the round would end and a new one would begin. Each round supposedly had the potential for new conditions, rules, or qualities.

Everyone knew some variation of the game and had played during their younger teen years. The issue with the game had always been compliance. Too racy of a dare, suddenly the game stopped and everybody backed out. Too tame of dares or too many truths and everyone would be tired of it before it was fun. Somehow, this mystery app had found a way to ensure compliance and ensure that the truths and dares never got stale. The issuer of the truth or dare would choose between a few presented options. The penalty for refusal would change between rounds, but common ones were the removal of garments or the imbibing of alcohol.

That was where the app had somehow achieved success. Last week, in his evening Economics class, Jordan had witnessed a series of random and hilarious events. The most notable of which involved Whitney Garcia, the captain of the cheer squad. As she stood writing out an answer on the board, a squeal, the likes of which is usually reserved for scared barn animals, harangued the unprepared 19 year old students in the class. The source of her embarassment was quite obvious, as snapchat camera clicks documented her pert pink panty clad ass without it’s usual crimson and silver veil. Try as she might, she was unable to cover up. Towels and blankets ripped as she tried to wrap her exposed legs. Pants shrunk to be unwearable and eventually her futile attempts at modesty ceased. The lecture continued with her returning to her seat. Her embarrassment would have been visible to even the blind.

Jordan returned to his analysis of the terms transcribed on the digital invitation and was offput by what seemed to be an achievements and improvement system. It sounded almost as if the app was claiming to be able to improve characteristics and give Jordan mysterious qualities if he was committed to the game. What exactly that entailed, he couldn’t even fathom. It was vague at best, but intriguing nonetheless.

The lure of the app appealed too strongly to Jordan’s curiosity to be tamed by his modesty. And that was the nail in the coffin.

All that was left was to be assigned a group to play the game with...

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