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Ultimate Truth Or Dare

Ultimate Truth Or Dare

As demonstrated in "The Warmest Winter, Day 09"

What You Will Need:

  • A bottle from an alcoholic beverage (your choice). You may even have more than one, depending on how much you would like people to drink.

  • Index cards (at least 9)

  • Shot glasses, at least one per person. Preferably one for every shot in the game.

  • A timer, preferably digital.

  • Paper and pencil, to keep track of certain rules.

  • One set of gaming dice (one die each with twenty sides, twelve sides, ten sides, eight sides, six sides, and four sides, called a d20, d12, d10, d8, d6, and d4).

  • Players (of course).

As with any drinking/sex/party game, every person should be open to doing whatever comes up, with anyone else present, especially given the random nature of the game. If this is not the case, agree on rules adjustments prior to the game.

One player will sort of act for the game in a role similar to that of a Dungeon Master in a D&D game. They set the timer, write down necessary notes, announce new rules, and adjudicate as needed. It is most useful for this person to go first in a round, to demonstrate how the rules work each round, for those not yet familiar (or are quite familiar but also drunk).

Some preparation is required. As host, calculate how drunk you want everyone to be and work backwards. X amount of alcohol per person, times Z number of people, given that booze Q that I want to serve is Y proof, there will be... K number of shots.

Example: A 200-mL bottle of Eiswein is to be split among four players. It's a fairly hefty proof, and the host wants the players to be tipsy and uninhibited, but not drunk and reckless. So, half-shots. This makes for thirteen shots, with a little extra.

All booze that does not split evenly among the players is combined into one container (this may be quite a bit larger than a shot for a big group), and is called the Big Shot. More on that later.

Write the rules for each round down on an index card, and stack them in order. These are great for referring back to as needed. You can also shuffle them without looking, for an even more chaotic game. What follows is the recommended order.

Round 1:

Truth Or Dare, straight up.

If someone does not know the rules, they probably shouldn't be playing this ultimate version. But just in case, let's go over them. On your turn, you ask another player of your choice "Truth or Dare?" If they say "Truth," you ask them a question and they HAVE to be honest. If they say "Dare," you dare them to do something and they HAVE to do it.

Round 2:

Add Spin The Bottle.

You now spin to see who you ask "Truth Or Dare" to. You also spin for the objects of dares, when appropriate. If a spin result is impossible, spin again.

Round 3:

Add the Dare Die.

The first Dare Die is the d20. On your turn, you roll the DD. If it's a 1, the object must Dare. It decreases to d12, d10, d8, d6, then d4 each round. It stays on d4 the remainder of the game.

Round 4:

Add the shots.

At the beginning of your turn, you must drink a shot. If this gets you too drunk, blame the host. The last shot is called the Big Shot, and the last person wearing clothing must drink it.

Round 5:

Subtract Clothing.

From this point forward, all clothing removed may not be put back on. Contact lenses, jewelry, and the like may be excluded at the group's discretion.

Round 6:

Time's Up.

The next timed Dare is one minute long, adding a minute for every Timed Dare afterwards.

Round 7:

Add Seven Minutes In Heaven.

From this point forward, every time you Spin To Ask and the result is yourself, that's seven minutes. Keep adding three minutes for every subsequent spin in the same direction, as needed until the bottle points to someone else. The number of minutes is how long the spinner and the other person have in Heaven. This counts as a completed Dare, but not a Timed Dare.

Round 8:

Subtract Clothing

From this point forward, anyone who is clothed must remove one item of their own clothing at the beginning of their turn. If the player is naked, the article may be removed from anyone. Contact lenses, jewelry, and the like may be excluded at the group's discretion.

Round 9 & Up:

No new rules.

If you make it this far, you're not doing the previous ones right, so you must need more practice.
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