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What We Wanted

It was the beginning of YY University's annual festival week. All students were hyped about it, forgetting about the upcoming terror attack called "midterm exams". The festival week was planned to be starting with various kinds of sports races on the first day, leaving the other days less exhausting activities. One of the most hyped sports races of the day was three-legged race, in which Enrique, acknowledged by many people as the hottest jock on the campus, was participating. The race itself wasn't taken seriously. However, no one would be willingly embarrassing themselves either, which Enrique was trying to avoid. He was going to participate in the race with his best friend of 4 years, Andrew. Their friendship was thought to be uncommon and strange by other people. After all, who becomes BFFs with his bully? It was no wonder people who knew their history thought Andrew was weird for that. But Andrew seemed unfazed by it, at least that was what Enrique thought, until the fight they had 3 days prior to the festival.

It all started with Enrique being loose-tongued and telling some homophobic jokes, which obviously upset his openly gay friend. Although usually it would just end up with Enrique being lectured for a few minutes, that day it got out of hand and ended with Andrew lashing out at Enrique. The furious boy unintentionally revealed the negative emotions he kept inside. And the one that gave the crucial blow to Enrique was when Andrew blurted out the reason he became his friend. That he was just scared when Enrique suddenly got too nice at high school, when he used to be an ass in middle school. Enrique used to be regretful about it through high school. But at some point he considered the matter dismissed. Thus he never realized what Andrew was feeling about it. After the fight, Andrew had avoided Enrique with plenty of unconvincing excuses, which resulted to 0 practice of three-legged race for them. And when there were 30 minutes left to the race, Enrique had been looking for Andrew. Considering the campus was overflowing with crowds of people it was a real challenge to find someone. Just when Enrique was losing hope, he saw someone who might know about his whereabouts, his ex girlfriend Angelo.

Although it was going to be extremely awkward Enrique always considered her an observant person, which meant she was very much likely to know where Andrew was. Enrique hesitantly started to walk towards the girl who gave him a sly grin from the seat she was sitting legs crossed. Just as Enrique was about to speak, Angelo interrupted him. "He was going outside of the field. You should check the locker room."

"Did you my mind?" The boy was unsurprisingly surprised.

"Never been hard to do so, honey".

"Don't call me that." He rushed. "Anyways I appreciate your help. See you around." Angelo stood up from her seat as Enrique was about to leave. Her grin was replaced with a weighty expression.

"Before you go let me tell you something."

He responded unwillingly. "Okay..."

"Do you remember what I told you when we broke up?"

"Oh come on I don't want to do this..."

The girl didn't mind the protest. "I told you that you make me feel like you are looking somewhere else, someone else."

"What are you implying?" said Enrique, showing displeasure against her.

"I'm warning you because if you keep on going like this, you will experience this forever" She proceeded to give her best 'you know what I mean' look. "Grab that place, grab that person. You know you want it." Angelo was indeed an observant person. But actually it didn't take an observant to see through Enrique. He was clearly struggling with himself. Deep down he understood, but his stubborn self didn't let him free.

"I don't know what you mean...I'm leaving".

"Sure. Come thank me later" Grin returned to Angelo's face before Enrique made his way to the locker room Andrew was possibly in.

He was nervous, even more confused now because of Angelo. While being drowned in thoughts on his way he reached there quickly. Entering the room his friend was in called on all his courage. In the room, Andrew was alone half naked, his smooth skin was glowing even in the poorly lit room. Not that Enrique was seeing his friend's bareskin for the first time, nevertheless it certainly added another nervous feeling to his heart, this one being rather pleasant. He found out he has been checking out his friend for too long when Andrew turned around and gave him a short stare. After being flustered for a couple seconds, Enrique managed to calm himself down and spoke to his friend, trying to sound energetic.

"Hey I've been looking for you. Where have you been?"

"I haven't been feeling well, sorry."

Enrique felt the cold shoulder but the annoyance would only make him more straightforward. "Tell me, did you mean the things you said the other day? Have you really been feeling like I was forcing you all this time?"

Andrew seemed apathetic about this conversation. He tried to shrug it off, because he very well knew this long time crush of his wasn't working out at all. He always got disappointed over his confused friend. And the first time he showed his frustration wasn't the best. In the end it all appeared to Enrique as friendship issues. "It's not that Enrique. It was just in the beginning. But it doesn't matter anymore. We're good now. Okay?"

"I'm sorry for being inconsiderate. And I'm sorry for giving you a hard time in the past. Will you forgive me? Please?" This wasn't the first time Enrique apologized to his friend in a sincere way. But it was certainly the first time he did it with so much worry.

"Enrique, it's really okay. I'm already over it. Plus you already did so much to make it up for me. Just forget it." It wasn't a lie that he's over it. He had a hard time in middle school. But Enrique was so sweet to him afterwards he let the upsetting memories go. Not that he didn't feel too forgiving at some point, but nothing happened to make him regret it.

"But something is clearly not right. What do you want me to do? Say it, I'll do it."

"Just do what you want." Staring inside his friend's widely open eyes, Andrew showed his bare heart to his friend. "I really need that."

"W-what I want?" His heart bumped wildly.

Andrew walked towards the door, breaking the serious and grim looks on their faces. "I have to go now, meet me in 10 minutes at the field."

"Wait a min-"

Andrew left without letting Enrique complete his words. Not that he had something to do, but he felt like few words were enough if listened thoroughly. On the other hand, Enrique has always been someone who needed to be told things clearly. But he, at the very least discerned that this time he couldn't have that.

* * *

Andrew at the right, Enrique at the left; the two boys were on stand by alongside the other contestants, with all of them tied to their partners above their ankles. Everyone's nerves were on edge, Enrique being a severe case. Unconsciously, he kept stealing glances at Andrew, he was concerned about both him and the race. Winning or losing the race didn't matter. But he was afraid of embarrassing himself since he was aware of his fame on campus. If he didn't have a good reputation to start with, he wouldn't care this much about embarrassing himself. But the thought of being in the opposite situation after all the attention he got scared him. On the other hand, he couldn't get Andrew's words out of his head. He valued his friend, but was afraid of comprehending his words just as much.

Enrique's uneasiness weren't any better when the whistle sound was heard loud and clear, marking the start. The two friends didn't get to practice much but they had talked over how they were going to match their steps before. Enrique was going to count and they were going to walk synchronously with a high tempo. Although, unsurprisingly it was easier said than done. In no time they were behind the other pairs, which resulted in Enrique breaking the rhythm and causing Andrew to

trip and fall. Enrique was likewise about to fall. However, he regained his balance quickly and avoided falling down.

"Are you okay?" Enrique asked while helping the boy get up. It wasn't the first time someone fell during a three-legged-race but seeing Andrew's knee bleeding, he couldn't help but feel guilty.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Let's catch up to them." Andrew answered, trying to reassure him.

Enrique, not really convinced, resumed running, this time being more attentive to Andrew. He promptly perceived his friend was in pain, no matter how hard the boy endeavoured to hide it. Just when it began to fret him, a pair ahead of them stumbled and fell simultaneously

Seeing this, Andrew encouraged Enrique. "Let's pass them now that we have the chance."

"Do you really want to do this so much?" Enrique hid his concern with an intriguing question, rather asked to himself.

"No." He had a hard to read expression on his face. "But you do, don't you?"

Enrique immediately stopped walking and grabbed Andrew's hand, preventing him from moving. 'No, I would never aim for anything if it makes you suffer' was what he wanted to say. Instead he asked "Can I do what I want to?"

After glancing at his mightily grabbed hand, Andrew gave all his focus into Enrique's eyes. And nodded lightly.

Not letting his hand go, Enrique put his free hand on Andrew's waist and gently pulled him towards himself, causing their lips to touch softly. The two of them looked each other in the eye. Now that the hesitation was gone, they were eager to make out like beasts, it just was in their eyes. Andrew proceeded to kiss him back. Eyes closed, lips moved intensely, filling what was missing in them the whole time.

At the end of the bold make out session, the two affectionate boys noticed the crowd looking at them. Not minding about it, Enrique asked "Was what I wanted truly what you needed?"

Not saying anything, Andrew just smiled, making his 'boyfriend' do the same.
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