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When Callia Met Delilah Ch. 04b

"Get dressed, my sweet. We are going down to the common room for food. One does not live on sex alone."

"I could." Callia grinned as she slipped into her skirt and halter.

"I suppose you could. You must still be wearing that ring that sustains you."


Amakiir slipped into a tunic and trousers before layering an ornately embroidered robe over his clothing. "I need food. They also have a fine elvish wine in stock. It's nice to be somewhere civilized that offers something better than orc piss."

Callia followed him to the common room where he led her to a table. He hailed a serving wench. "We'll have whatever isn't greasy and dripping with fat," he sneered haughtily.

"Well if it isn't the la-de-da elves. Fancy a platter of greens, eh?" She retorted.

Amakiir glared at the plump woman. "I fancy service with a smile, my dear woman. Now if you would be so kind as to tell me what the daily specials are, I would kindly order."

"We are serving smoked pork and rice, smoked chicken and vegetable kebabs, vegetable soup in a hearty beef broth, and baked steak pasties as main course dishes. For dessert today we are offering Blueberry Flake, Cherry Sorbet, Peach Sorbet, and Mixed Fruit Flambé."

"I thank you kindly, good woman. We shall have the smoked chicken and vegetable kebabs on a platter of rice with the peach sorbet. And elvish wine to drink." Amakiir replied as he handed the woman a several platinum pieces.

She smiled at him, promptly forgetting her earlier rudeness as she tucked the coins into her apron. She scuttled off to the kitchen to place their order.

"How rude of that woman. Obviously it must be hard to find good help." Amakiir snorted.

"Perhaps. I think her aversion was to me, though." Callia replied.

Amakiir cocked an eyebrow in askance of an explanation to her statement. "And why would that be?"

"The other night Delilah and I continued our tryst here in the common room before we met up with Nathan. She told us to find a room."

"And rightfully so." Amakiir rolled his eyes. "I'm sure that gave the other patrons a bad case of indigestion."

"Fuck you!" Callia retorted.

"Sorry, my sweet, but I have the decency to keep it in the bedroom," he sneered. "Trysting in the common room or up against a wall in an alley is something only a common whore would do and you shall not do it again."

Callia glared at him. "Leave it to you to make something beautiful and wonderful sound dirty and tawdry. I enjoyed my time with Delilah and I shall endeavor to enjoy her every chance I get."

Amakiir rolled his eyes. "We'll see about that," he replied. "You will behave if you are interested in being with Jaz'rin again."

Callia groaned, "I shall try. I did enjoy him quite so. I never thought I'd enjoy a drow."

"I knew you would."


"I know that you enjoy being in control, in charge and a drow male is taught to be submissive. If you please me later, I will take you to Jaz'rin again."

"Pleasing you has never been an issue, Amakiir. I have always pleased you, have I not?" Callia raised an eyebrow as she leaned across the table towards him. "You only have to ask of me what you will and I shall oblige you. I have denied you nothing that is in my power to give to you."

"Yes, you please me, my sweet."

Callia flashed an ornery grin. "Tell me how you know Jaz'rin."

"He used to belong to a drow matron I had some dealings with several years back. She thought him stupid, reckless, and unstable, yet he would have done anything he could to please her. She sold him into slavery, despite the fact he had given her two daughters. I found him in a camp of Illithid and purchased him from them before they turned him into a mindless slave. I gave him his freedom. He no longer lives in the Underdark, but in the remains of a ruined citadel located within The Spine of the World. He is a warrior of great power and has spent much of the past several years freeing other slaves." Amakiir explained.

"So how is it that you and he have come to have the relationship you have? It was quite obvious that you two had been intimate before today. I never thought you would be a lover of other males." Callia inquired.

"Callia dear, we are elves. We seek pleasure wherever we will. I am not the first male who has used him nor will I be the last. He enjoys it, as a matter of fact."

"So you are saying he is a submissive, a bottom?"

"Yes, that is what I am saying. Consider your own relationship with Delilah. What was it that drew you to her?"

"She is absolutely gorgeous and I felt the need to have her."

"There you are then. Jaz'rin is also a gorgeous creature for a male and I felt compelled to have him as well."

"Have you had other males?" Callia asked, her curiosity now peaked.

"No, there has only been Jaz'rin, my sweet." Amakiir smiled. "Why do you ask?"

"Just for curiosities sake, I guess. Your appetites have surprised me." Callia replied. "I had figured you to be more vanilla than you are. I shall not doubt you when it comes to sex ever again."

"Good, my sweet."

Callia chewed on her lip as she considered her next question. "Has he…I mean, are you…?"

"Just spit it out already!"

"Has he always been the bottom when you are with him?" Callia asked.

"Yes, he has. That is what he enjoys."

"Are you so sure? He certainly enjoyed fucking me." Callia stated.

"He enjoys many things. He is intrigued by surface females, especially since they are not as dominant as drow females are. I think he would like to be unburdened by the yoke of submissiveness that is placed upon all drow males and be free to choose. Perhaps next time I take you to him, you will give him that freedom."

"I think I would like that. You know I don't always want to be the aggressor."

"I know, my sweet. I shall remember that later," he smiled as he reached across the table to softly stroke his fingers over her face. "I am glad I brought you to Silverymoon."

"As am I."

Words became needless as they gazed longingly into each other's eyes. He softly caressed her features, his fingers whispering over her cheeks, ears, and neck. He brushed them lightly over her lips. "You are my treasure."

Callia blushed and puckered her lips, kissing his fingers.

Then the moment was broken as the serving wench brought their meals to the table and placed the food before them. Before Callia started on her food, she cocked her head to the side and glanced at Amakiir rather inquisitively, as if she were studying him.

"Yes, my sweet? What is in your head now?" He asked, as if he sensed her forthcoming question.

"You didn't really answer my question." Callia stated.

"And which question was that?"

"How your intimate relationship with Jaz'rin came into being? I find the answer you gave me about us being elves and seeking our pleasure where we will to be contemptuous. That is a bullshit answer and you know it. Just be honest with me. I won't think less of you. I find it to be an aphrodisiac, if you must know."

Callia retorted, her blue eyes flashing at him.

"My dear Callia, certainly you understand that this is not the place for such a conversation. I will tell you when we have more privacy. There is a story behind it."

Callia pouted. "Promise me?"

"I promise, my sweet. Now eat your food."

The conversation became sparse as both of them dug into their meals. Callia gingerly tore into the chicken and vegetables, smacking her lips with utter relish as she savored the meal's succulence.

She scanned the room occasionally, watching the other patrons with feigned interest. It kept her mind occupied and away from the nagging questions concerning Amakiir and Jaz'rin. Callia smiled as she watched two halflings plying their trade as they skulked around a larger table which seated several merchants. She watched as she saw the male halfling lift a heavy pouch off one of the men, surprised that the scrawny man hadn't noticed its weight missing from his belt. She let out a soft chuckle and shook her head. Halflings, she sighed as she checked her own pouch at her waist. At least they hadn't pick pocketed her yet.

She took her eyes off the halfling and continued to scan the room as a disturbance broke out at the bar. Two heavily armored human males, both built like the bulls they were, began shoving each other as a pretty serving wench dashed out of their way. Callia watched with interest as the fists started to fly. She eyed the combatants, her eyes flicking over each. The man on the right, a hulking blond with a long braid and a bushy mustache and goatee, held his ground, jabbing upper cuts and pulverizing punches with his meaty fists while the man on the left, a red-headed bull of a man with full bushy eyebrows and an equally bushy beard to match, blocked the most brutal of attacks while hammering his own brutal punches into the mid-section of the other man. She quickly surmised each man's strengths and weaknesses as the bartender screeched for them to stop before they tore the bar down around them.

Callia stood up from her seat and rushed over to the bar, pushing her way in between the brawlers, planning on landing a mean punch to each of their guts. She felt her fists connect with his midsection and heard him unleash a mighty groan. She quickly spun to face the blonde and growled at him before she did the same to him.

"Knock it off, you big oafs!" Callia ordered as both men dropped to their knees, tears streaming down their faces. "Can't you get through your thick heads that there are people here who would like to eat in peace? If you'd like to continue your brawl, take it outside. I'm sure that poor serving girl isn't interested in either of you pawing at her. Do you understand or do I need to beat it into you?"

The blond grimaced as he stood up and unleashed a mighty roar to shake off the pain throbbing within his gut. He pulled himself to his full 6'6" height and glared down at Callia. "You've got Tempos's own guts for coming between me and Red."

Red glowered at Callia as he slowly rose to his feet and grabbed the hem of her tiny skirt. Giving it a yank upwards, he peered down at her.

Callia yanked her skirt out of his hands. "Keep your dirty hands off me, barbarian. I am not a helpless wench like the serving girl."

Red narrowed his eyes at her. "No, you look like one of those pansy elves."

"Just who do you think you are sneering at the name of Barbarian?" Galinn retorted, his voice a low snarl.

"I am Callia Blackhawk."

"Callia Blackhawk?" Red repeated as he glanced over to Galinn.

"You are Callia Blackhawk?" Galinn eyed her in disbelief. "So this is the fearsome warrior woman whose mighty sword cleaves the ground upon which she walks. I thought you'd be bigger."

"That is me. Now that we've come to an understanding, would you mind behaving yourselves so I can finish my meal? And if I even catch a glimpse of either of you bothering that serving girl, my mighty sword will cleave a path through both your heads."

Both Red and Galinn nodded their heads and turned back to the bar, reclaiming their mugs of ale.

Callia nodded at them and walked back to her seat. She picked a kebab and tore into it while Amakiir stared at her in awe. "You are either incredibly brave, my sweet, or incredibly stupid. Both of those men could have torn you to shreds."

"You underestimate me, Amakiir. I fear nothing. They are mere men and have the same weakness all men have." Callia replied. "I think they'd both like to fuck me though, especially once they found out who they were dealing with. I saw the looks of desire in their eyes."

Amakiir rolled his eyes. "Do not even think I would allow you to get away with that," he growled. "Not if you wish to see Jaz'rin again."

Callia scoffed at him, "Jaz'rin was good, exceptionally so, but I've had better. You can not hold that over my head as a way to get me to obey you."

Amakiir shook his head. "You never fail to amaze me, my sweet."

Callia flashed a grin and resumed eating her food. Once more she tore into the succulent chucks of chicken and vegetables skewered on the sticks. She licked her lips to retrieve a few pieces of rice that had clung to the kebab. She tore into the rest of her meal with genuine alacrity, enjoying the taste and texture of the smoked concoction. It didn't take long for her to completely clear her plate of everything, including the flavorful rice.

"When do you think we will be returning home?" She asked as she swallowed the last sips of her wine.

"A few more days. I still have a few more contacts to make," he replied. "Why do you ask?"

"For curiosities sake. I have enjoyed being here in the city." Callia grinned.

"Yes, perhaps too much," he tersely chided. "You've seemed to have made a point of telling me you've enjoyed yourself here in the city. Are you trying to goad me, my dear?"

Callia sighed, "We've been over that. I said I'd stay away from Nathan."

Amakiir raised his goblet of wine and drained it. "And you will, if you know what is good for him. Are you finished, my sweet?"

She shoved her plate aside. "Yes, quite so."

"Would you like to accompany me for a leisurely walk through the city?"

"Yes, I'd like that." Callia smiled, sensing his attempt to woo her further. She accepted his proffered arm and allowed him to lead her to the door. He opened it for her and escorted her out of the inn.

It was a beautifully sunny day with nary a cloud in the sky. Birds fluttered on the light breeze, trilling with soft melodies. He showed her various sights of interest, including many older elven dwellings and the Bardic College. They strolled along the cobblestone thoroughfares towards the Moonbridge. As it came into view, Callia stopped and stood in awe of its magnificence.

A few hours passed as they explored the city, eagerly taking in the sights. He led her into a jewelsmith and purchased for her a stunning gold and ruby heart encrusted ring, which he slid onto her finger. "This should purvey to you the magnitude of my feelings for you, my sweet. I give you my heart. Be kind to it."

A tear slipped down Callia's cheek. She hadn't expected that from him. In return she bought him a similar ring and spoke her heart to him as she slid it onto his finger. "My one heart, I shall cherish your gift for as long as it is given and I shall love you with my whole heart as long as you shall have me."

He bestowed a soft, sweet kiss onto her lips that spoke of much passion to come. "Shall we, my sweet? I have a hunger that only you can quench." Amakiir whispered into her ear.

Callia let out a small moan as she nuzzled her head into his neck. Taking her hand, he led her out of the shop. He stopped, an intense look of concentration coming over his face. "Take hold of me, my sweet."

Callia did as he asked as she watched his hands make a few arcane gestures. With the flick of his wrist, he swept them away from the spot they had been standing in and teleported them back to their room at the inn. A wave of disorientation washed over Callia as she grasped onto Amakiir's body. He softly whispered to her and helped her through it.

Callia staggered to the bed and sat down upon it as she fought off the vertigo that threatened her. "I don't think I'll ever get used to that."

"Trust me, you will," he replied as he watched her, his silver eyes flicking over her intimately. Her cheeks held a soft flush that enticed him. He shrugged off his robe and pulled his tunic off over his head. Kicking off his boots, he began to work on removing his trousers. He shoved them down over his hips, only slowing as he eased them over his ever-straining hardened cock. They slipped down his thighs to his feet and he kicked them aside.

Amakiir leveled a steamy gaze at her as he joined her on the bed. He stretched out in the middle as he beckoned her to come to him. "My pretty one," he purred.

Callia could barely resist the urge of his siren's song. She stripped herself of her skirt and halter and crawled over to him, covering his body with hers. He let out a groan as he watched her. Oh, how she prowled. Callia straddled him. He could feel her wetness graze against his cock. Callia felt him shudder as his cock twitched, as if it had a mind of his own. She ground her pussy lips down against him. "You like that?" she purred.

Amakiir groaned out a very raspy 'yes.'

"Want more?"


Callia slid her hand down between their bodies and took hold of his cock. He groaned again as she grasped it. She raised herself up above him slightly as she lined him up with her dripping wet slit. She was more than ready for him. With a flick of her hips, her pussy engulfed his cock as she impaled herself on him. Amakiir let out a louder moan. "Yes, yes…ohhhh yes…," he groaned as his face twisted up with passion. He let her take control, riding him for all he was worth.

Callia bounced up and down on his cock, occasionally switching the speed and depth of how she rode him. She threw her head back and moaned as she settled upon a speed that forced his cockhead to graze her g-spot upon every plunge of her hips. She let out a scream as he began to buck his hips upwards. The sound of their bodies slapping together filled the room. She shook and trembled as the ride became too intense to bear. Her orgasm rocked her body and with it she screamed.

"Oh fuck…yes…Fuck yes…ohhhhhh I'm cumming…," she called out, gyrating her hips in time with his. Her wetness gushed out to drench his cock and splashed down over him. Amakiir groaned at the feel of her juices bathing him.

He reached up and grasped hold of her arms, pulling her down against him. He nipped at her ears and drove his cock up into her, pounding himself into her juicy pussy.

Then he flipped her over onto her back and rose above her, still hammering into her while allowing her to ride out her orgasm. He hoped to bring her to that same peak again as quickly as he could. Reaching between their bodies, he rubbed and pinched her clit. He felt her shake as her moans increased in volume. Her enjoyment pleased him greatly. He had no words to convey how much so instead he dipped his head and took her lips in a kiss he hoped would speak for him. He molded his mouth to her warm and pliant lips and suckled gently. His kiss became tender as he nudged her lips apart with his tongue. He gripped her upper arms in his hands and held her close to his body while his tongue took advantage of her opened mouth to plunder its depths. Callia felt his tongue parried and thrust with acute precision, moving in time with his hips as he buried his cock inside of her warm wet depths. She let out a groan of pleasure as his tongue assaulted her mouth. Amakiir growled deep in his throat. The sound was low and guttural, feral in its intensity. Callia responded in kind.

"My sweetness," she heard him whisper in a tone of utter passion. And then she felt his lips touch her forehead, then her cheekbone, then trail down along the line of her jaw to the sensitive hollow beneath her ear. He moved so slowly and stealthily, as if taking pains to please her beyond a shadow of a doubt. His kisses made her limbs feel heavy and lethargic, as if to move them would require too much energy. She shuddered and trembled as his tongue wound its way over her ear.

Amakiir took hold of her wrists and slid her hands up above her head. He wanted access to her lovely, plump breasts. Callia let out a slight groan and arched her back, offering herself up to him. She felt his lips moving slowly down her neck. She let out a groan as his strokes slowed and he nibbled her shoulder and suckled the skin near her collarbone. Callia rocked her hips up to meet his as she wrapped her legs around him. "Don't stop," she whimpered.
Callia let out a protesting gasp as Amakiir laved the underside of one, pale breast with his tongue and slowly began to withdraw his cock from her warm wet tunnel. She panted heavily as he nipped and licked his way to one, pert nipple. She closed her eyes as his mouth closed over the tip and suckled hungrily, all the while his left hand let go of her wrists and trailed down her body to cup the pronounced swell of her hip. He nipped her breast sharply and was rewarded with another gasp.

Encouraged by her actions, he moved from one breast to the other by trailing kisses across the valley that separated them. He licked and nibbled the sensitive undersides. He teased her with his breath over her creamy, sensitive skin. Callia felt his tongue and lips move over her breasts, as if dining on an incredible feast. She felt her nipples harden to even tauter peaks and felt another flood of warmth gush forth from her pussy. She had climaxed just from the sensations of his kisses. And just when she thought she would not be able to take another kiss, another suckle from his warm, wet mouth, Amakiir moved beyond her breasts to trail kisses down over her softly curving abdomen. He dropped feather light kisses over her abs, flicking his tongue out to tease her navel. She let out a groan as she felt his cock brush against her leg. What was he doing…stopping in the middle of their wonderfully incredible fuck…

Sliding all the way down, he flicked his tongue over her plump mound, teasing the swollen lips that hid her jutting clit. He wanted to taste that dewy moistness that dripped from her pussy on his tongue. He inhaled deeply, taking her scent into his lungs. He reveled in its tanginess. As she gripped the sheets tightly, he teasingly thrust his cock against the side of her leg, reminding her of how hard he still was. He glanced up over her naked body as their eyes met. Callia whimpered and let out a pleading moan. She wanted him to end the torment.

"Enjoy," he whispered softly, his breath fanning out across her dampened, sensitized flesh. He grabbed her hips from underneath and pulled her closer, raising her pelvis slightly to his waiting mouth. Before Callia could moan she felt the tantalizing touch of Amakiir's tongue sliding deep into her and cried out audibly at the contact. He attacked her senses with gentle laps of his tongue between the petal-soft lips of her pussy. She bucked beneath his mouth, crying out as he circled his tongue around her hard clit. She mashed her clit up against his mouth. She moaned loudly and threaded her hands wildly through his hair. Amakiir continued the assault, greedily lapping at her juices and teasing her clit until she was pressing down on his head with her hands and raising her pelvis up to reach every expert thrust of his tongue. He peered up over her body, his mouth sucking delicately at that most-sensitive bit of flesh only to find her sky blue eyes locked with his, her face lit with an intense pleasure. With his eyes locked on hers, he licked one last time up her moist cleft, punctuating it with a long, hard suckle at the end. Callia cried out while grinding her mound into his face as she screamed as another earth-shattering orgasm sent her into mini convulsions. Amakiir watched her climax and felt a thrill of masculine power that he could bring her there.

The urge to bury his cock in her body came quickly and powerfully. He wanted to flip her over on her stomach and drive his cock into her pussy. He wanted to fuck her with all the finesse and grace of a stallion at stud. He wanted to cum inside her while biting her neck and tugging her long hair, inviting her to join him in orgasm as their bodies truly became one. But he didn't much as he wanted to fuck her as forcefully as he could he refrained from ravaging her in such a manner.

Instead he licked her pussy one last, tender time and moved up her body to suckle once again at her generous breasts. He held her as her orgasm washed over her. He raised her pelvis up for easier access. Then he leaned back on his knees and flexed his cock so it lay precisely poised before her glistening pussy. Grabbing her thighs in each of his hands, he sucked in a breath.

"Watch, my pretty one," he bid her. He watched as her eyes darkened to twin pools of azure blue as they slid to the point between their bodies where his cock lay unmoving, held between the lips of her pussy. She let out a moan, thoroughly turned on by their lovemaking. She had always wanted it to be this way between them. She had longed for him to be this way. These new emotions tugged at her heartstrings and she wondered if their relationship was soon to slip into a new phase.

With his eyes firmly locked with hers, Amakiir slid his hands from her thighs to her hips and squared his cock before her opening. Then, with one quick, powerful thrust he buried himself to the hilt in her snug little sheath. A deep, throaty moan escaped his throat as he felt her pussy clench around him quite welcomingly. He paused a moment only to catch the expression of wondrous rapture and deep-abiding love on her face. In that moment, he felt justified for everything he'd ever put her through that had led them to this moment. It was obvious that she loved him, LOVED him, not just his cock nestled within her pussy but of the man who possessed it. She truly and deeply loved him. Amakiir wanted to shout to the heavens the joy he felt at the love that was clearly written upon her guileless face for him to see. He had long hoped for this moment. He exulted in the feeling that finally, at last, she felt what he had always felt for her.

With that knowledge burning through his body and erupting into heat within his balls, Amakiir withdrew his cock only to hammer it into her again, and again. He cried out in pleasure as Callia's pussy tightened around him as the fuck grew more intense. Her cries matched his as their lips met in a stunning kiss. Their lips sucked and savored each other as their bodies slapped together in a passionate dance. Callia let out a keening cry of pleasure as he pinched her clit and rammed his cock deep enough to graze her cervix. She knew she was close. She could feel her orgasm building. She cried his name softly before screaming as her orgasm threatened to take her to new heights.


"Let me hear you, sweetness," he urged, slamming into her harder.

"I'm cumming!" She cried, "Oh gods, I'm cumming! Oh fuck... fuck... fuck…FUCK!!!"

Amakiir let out a shout of his own as his balls tightened. He slammed into her, rocking her body.

"OoooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH!!" he screamed, shooting his load deep inside her pussy.

Yet Callia had only begun. "Oh... oh... oh... Ooooohhhhhhh! Oh fuck... fuck... fuck…FUCK!!! I'M CUMMING!" she screamed, "OHMIGODS, I'M CUMMING! Oh fuck... fuck... fuck…FUCK!!!"

Her juices sprayed out and mingled with the cum he'd blasted deep inside her.

He collapsed onto her, resting his head between her breasts as he gasped for breath.

"I love you, love you, love you, love you…," he groaned as he held her shaking body tightly.

Callia was unsure how to respond to him. She nuzzled her body up against his as she wrapped her arms and legs around him, trapping him in her embrace. She held him and rocked him until their breathing slowed to normal.

"You always amaze me, my love," he whispered into her ear. "That was so incredible."

"Yes, it was. Mmmm, it felt so good," she agreed.

"Better than your precious Nathan?"

Callia gasped. She hadn't expected him to ask such a question. How could she tell him that Nathan was the best she'd ever had, that he always surpassed her wildest dreams?

"I have no answer for that," she began as her eyes met his. "I can't compare you and him because I have different feelings for both of you."

"I expected as much."

"What you and I have has always satisfied me. You give me so much pleasure. The feelings you just made me feel were so incredible. How can I tell you what I felt deep inside? You worshipped my body so lovingly. I came so hard a few moments ago. I'm here with you because I want to be, not because you have forced me to be. Please accept that my heart is yours." Callia brought the gold and ruby ring up to eye level. "I meant what I said when you gave me this. I'm not going anywhere unless you drive me away."

He nodded as he planted a soft kiss on her cheek before tensing ever so slightly. "Someone is at the door," he stated.

Amakiir reached for his robe as Callia drew the covers over her nude body. A knock sounded rather loudly before the door knob rattled. Donning his robe, he padded softly to the door and opened it, peering outside into the hall to see who it was.

"Welcome back," he purred as he let Delilah in. "It is good to see that you have returned."

"Yes, sweet Delilah, welcome back," she purred as she climbed out of bed and crossed the room.

Delilah's eyes began to sparkle as she moved to embrace Callia. "Well, my darlings, have I a story for you. Come, come. Join me while I tell it."

Delilah ushered both Amakiir and Callia back to the bed. She hastily stripped Amakiir of his robe before joining them on the bed. "First of all, my luscious sweet Callia," Delilah began, "your delicious Nathan is no worse for wear. I did nothing to harm him. He was upset that you had left before he awoke and since you were unavailable to be the recipient of his passion, I gladly filled in for you. He did ask me to give to you what he gave to me when I saw you next."

Delilah drew her into a fevered embrace, bestowing upon her a spectacular kiss. "Mmmm, you taste so good."

"How is Nathan?" Callia questioned, slightly bemused. "And where is he?"

"I'm getting to that, love." Delilah replied. "Nathan is still at the cottage. Like I said, he is no worse for wear. He will be fine. And again as I have said, I have a story to tell."

"Do tell."

"Very well, my sweet," Delilah smiled. "Just as your dear Nathan and I were finishing up, we had a surprise visitor."


"His half elven companion…the one from the market. She walked in on us and was quite angered at what she found. Nathan explained to her what all had happened and reiterated to her that he had more than enough for all of us. When I left the cottage, they were intertwined in the most passionate of embraces. I can see why you favor him. He has stamina like I have never known in a human before. Her anger was quickly replaced."

Callia chuckled, her smile spreading across her face as she drank in the knowledge that Nathan was safe and happy. She caressed Delilah ever so softly.

"And from the looks of your bruised bottom, love, I'd say the half elf wasn't the only one angered. By the Gods Amakiir, did you have to beat her?" Delilah scolded.

"Yes, love, she had it coming. Callia enjoyed it, did you not, my love?" Amakiir retorted as he made a face at her.

"Did I ever?" Callia groaned, rolling her eyes.

Amakiir cleared his throat as he watched Delilah shed her clothing. Despite his frustration at her actions, he begrudgingly admitted to himself that she was very beautiful to look upon and incredibly tempting to boot. "What is in your head, Delilah?"

"Do you not know? Surely you must realize."

He let a 'hmph' sound from his throat. "Arrrrggghhhh, I swear you two are never satisfied! You returned with the sole intent to fuck Callia, didn't you?"

"And you." Delilah grinned as a wicked smile crossed her face. "Please just let us show you how wonderful it can be."

Amakiir turned back to Callia, "Look what you have caused. Delilah never thought of anything beyond fucking her stupid Orcs before you got a hold of her."

"Why is that so bad?" Callia retorted.

"Darling, she showed me how good it could be to indulge in something other than my brutal stupid Orcs. Please, I beg you. I want this." Delilah reached for him and pulled him into her embrace. She sought out his lips and bestowed upon him a sweet simple kiss. Soon his tightly pursed lips had parted and were responding to her as she deepened it. Their tongues met and he wrapped his arms around her, taking her down beneath him. She soon rolled him over onto his back.

"Delilah," he moaned as she straddled him and began to stroke his cock.

"I want to be with you. I want us to reach the pinnacle of pleasure together," she sighed as Callia slipped in behind her, softly stroking her bottom. "Mmmm, yes…ohhhh yes…"

It didn't take long for Amakiir to reach his full aching hardness. He groaned at the ministrations of her hand rapidly stroking him. She pulled her lips from his and sat up straight. "I'm going to take you, irmime."

In that instant she slid his cock into her pussy and impaled herself to the hilt. She cried out as he pumped his hips in rhythm with her down stokes. "Callia," she moaned. "Give him something to satisfy his tongue."

Callia gladly obliged as she straddled his face. "Taste me, irmisse," she groaned as she felt him shove his tongue up into her. She reached for Delilah and embraced her in a soft kiss. Callia's tongue slipped out and into Delilah's mouth while Delilah moved her hand to Callia's breasts. Full and perky. By the Gods, they were lovely. Satiny with pale pink areolas and hard red nipples. They made Delilah's mouth water. She slid down and took one in her mouth. Callia moaned and arched her back, leaning further into Delilah's embrace. She continued sucking and nibbling on her breasts, teasing her nipples with her mouth. Callia felt as if she was in heaven with Delilah's mouth on her breasts and Amakiir's tongue flicking in and out of her pussy. She threw her head back and let out a throaty moan as he captured her clit between his lips and began to nibble ever so gently. Then he started stroking her slit up and down with his tongue, greedily lapping up her juices. He pushed two fingers inside of her, making her moan even louder. Callia's breathing was getting erratic and she knew she was going to explode soon. Delilah bit her nipple, and sucked it hard into her mouth as Callia exploded all over Amakiir's face. He let out a moan as he licked up all her juices. She came again as he finished licking her and returned his attentions to her clit.

Callia collapsed to the side, pulling away from Delilah, and groaned as Delilah continued to ride her lover. She let out a soft moan as Delilah's gorgeous breasts bounced and heaved.

"Oh yes! Oh yes!" she cried out, bucking her hips uncontrollably. Amakiir could feel her body clasping against him. Her tightened pussy gripped his cock and her ass pulsed around his finger. It was the most powerful orgasm she had had in all the times she had ever been with him. Her orgasm sent waves of female juices spilling down the length of his cock and over his balls. Amakiir reached back and clutched her ass as he realized that he was nearing orgasm as well. Delilah realized that he was coming as she raised herself up and began riding him harder, smashing her hips down against his. He thrust up to meet her frenzied thrusts and tightly clutched her hips. His cock swelled inside her and he let go completely, releasing a wailing groan. His orgasm gushed inside of her, wave after wave exploding into her gripping pussy.

Delilah collapsed against him, pressing her breasts against his chest. She started kissing his chest, and then moved up to his neck, cheeks, ears, and finally his mouth. The two lovers kissed for a long time, and then he slowly turned to let her slide off of him.

He glanced over at Callia and smiled as their eyes met. "Are you happy, my sweetling?"

"Quite so," she replied as she scooted over to snuggle into his side. "And you, Delilah, my pretty?"

"Never better." Delilah quipped as she plastered herself against his other side, making a sandwich out of him.

"Now shall we rest a while?" Amakiir reached down and drew the quilt over their naked bodies before bestowing a soft kiss on both of their lips.



Amakiir, Callia, and Delilah remained in Silverymoon for seven more days, four days longer than they had planned, enjoying the city and the pleasures to be had. On the last evening, the three enjoyed a romantic picnic dinner in a park near the Moonbridge, thoroughly enjoying the sensual bond that had developed between them. The sensual atmosphere of the romantic picnic continued as the three lovers finished up and headed back to the inn where they had been staying. As a treat for Callia, who'd been very good since her last punishment a week earlier, Amakiir teleported Jaz'rin to their room to join in on the fun. The foursome indulged themselves in a night of incredible passion.

And while Callia admitted her love for Amakiir, she kept to herself her strong feelings for Delilah. She wanted Delilah to stay with them when they returned to the clan hold and she wanted Jaz'rin to be more than a just an occasional addition to their loveplay. Callia vowed to keep him for their own.

But Amakiir had other ideas. He loved Callia in his own selfish, self serving way. He allowed her the indulgences of Delilah and Jaz'rin, but also kept track of everything Callia had done to displease him. He bided his time carefully, waiting for the right moment to make his displeasure in her known.

All seemed to be normal as the weeks passed since Amakiir, Callia and Delilah returned to the Moonwood. The threesome went about their daily lives much like every one else. Callia even began to notice that Karowyn wasn't frowning upon them as much as he had been. She began to spend time with her older brother and her mother as well. In that time Callia finally learned the truth of her father. His name was Davorin Darksbane and to her utmost surprise, Callia learned she had a twin sister named Cayden. Callia and Cayden had been separated at a very young age by each of their parents. Cayden ended up in Luskan with their father, Davorin and Callia stayed with their mother, Allia. Callia also learned her father was a priest of Bane. Though they held a great love for each other, this was the reason Allia and Davorin could not continue to raise their twin daughters together. Callia mourned the loss of knowing she had a sister, but vowed to go to Luskan to meet the rest of her family. Long had she desired to know the other half of those

Callia began to see a recurring pattern between her mother and her father and her own relationship with Amakiir. She started to realize that though she held a great love for him, they were far too different in the most fundamental of ways. The very things that made them each who they were could never coincide in any peaceful manner. It seemed as if it would be doomed no matter what, for she knew he could not and most importantly would not change his ways. She dwelled on the things that had happened in Silverymoon. How he could be so loving one moment and so hurtful the next. He never had completely explained his relationship with Jaz'rin and how it came to be. She realized that he must not trust her with that knowledge or anything else secretive about him. She knew she must speak to him about this.

It was at this time that their relationship truly started to unravel and Amakiir showed his true nature. He allowed Callia, Delilah, and Jaz'rin a secret tryst of their own. He didn't even stay with them to watch. Callia thought that odd, but gave herself over to the pleasure of being with Delilah and especially Jaz'rin again. She had started to develop more than sexual desires for Jaz'rin. He suited her well. They fit together like a hand and glove. Little did she suspect it was a trap.

It was in that moment they were caught in the act of intense carnal passion by Karowyn, Allia, and Amakiir. They caught her sandwiched between Delilah and Jaz'rin. Amakiir made a show of being enraged while Karowyn glared at her with a look of extreme disappointment and Allia bowed her head and wept for her foolish daughter.
Amakiir screamed at her for being a faithless whore, throwing the ring she'd given him back at her, and divulging her behavior while they were in Silverymoon. He related the details of her fling with both Delilah and Nathan and how he had punished her. He informed them of how she claimed to love him, but how she had also admitted to loving her Nathan as well. His tirade went on and on, focusing on her naughtiness, her affair with Delilah and how the two couldn't seem to keep their hands off each other. But when asked how she'd come to be with the dark elf male, Jaz'rin, Amakiir shrugged his shoulders and accused her of dark desires. He divulged how he knew she had enjoyed screwing an Orc and how he knew if given the chance she would have fucked two Barbarian warriors she'd met back at the Golden Oak Inn.

Callia barely kept her anger in check as Amakiir ranted about her transgressions against him and how she'd betrayed his trust. She knew most of what he spoke was true, but what made her the angriest that he hadn't confessed his relationship with Delilah or Jaz'rin…primarily Jaz'rin. She flicked her eyes over Jaz'rin's face, hoping to gauge some reaction, but there was nothing, He was blank and unreadable. Had he been in on it? She shifted her gaze to Delilah, who busied herself pulling on her clothing. She was equally difficult to read, but Callia could tell she was trying not to meet her eyes. Delilah had to be in on it.

Callia knew how vindictive she would look if she charged Amakiir of the same things he had accused her of. She knew he would deny his long-term affair with Jaz'rin or that he had had anything to do with Delilah while they were in Silverymoon. She simply took the blame for it all, admitting to all of it. Callia humbly confessed of her affair with Jaz'rin, telling her family she'd had a secret relationship with him for quite some time. She told them he was her submissive, but he meant nothing to her in the grand scheme of things. She gave a devious laugh as she mockingly recounted how she'd come here with the plans to kill Amakiir. Callia snidely owned up to entering the affair with Delilah because it was the only way to endure Amakiir's foul gropings, that a woman was much more desirable to her than the moon elf wizard. She took great pleasure in throwing the ring he'd purchased for her back at him, declaring that Delilah knew more about pleasing her than he ever would.

Callia continued to laugh at him until she saw his face twist in rage. Amakiir summoned a bolt of magical energy and hurled it at Jaz'rin, causing him to disintegrate into thousands upon thousands of tiny pieces before vanishing into thin air. Next he hurled another bolt at Delilah, reproducing the same results. Callia screamed in anger and lunged at Amakiir, but Karowyn restrained her, informing her she had caused enough of a scene. He calmly told her it was time for her to consider the repercussions of her actions.

She knew what that meant. It was Karowyn's diplomatic way of telling her it would be best if she left the clan for a while. She caught the look of shame on her mother's face before Allia left Amakiir's lodge. It was in that moment she knew Karowyn was right. Amakiir had beaten her this time. She glared at him, leveling a look of promise at him. This was far from over. She quickly gathered her belongings, stuffing them into her haversack. It was far from over, she vowed, and someday she would make him pay. Someday…

THE END (Continues in "The Callia Chronicles")
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