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X-Change Pills - FAQ

1. What do the X-Change pills do?

The X-Change pills contain a safe medical formula which will quickly change a man into a woman, or a woman into a man.

2. Is it safe?

Yes. The X-Change pills are completely safe and FDA approved and doctor recommended for use by everyone.

3. How does it work?

A scientific explanation is very long and boring, but the short answer is that the pills use your own DNA and change you by activating some of the inactive parts of your body's own natural DNA.

4. How long does it last?

It depends on the formula you take. X-Change manufactures some pills which will last for 12 hours, others which last for 24 or 48 hours, some which last a week, a month, a year, and our super premium formula which effects a permanent change.

5. Why different amounts of time?

It depends on what the user wants. If they want to just experiment out of curiosity what it is like to be the opposite sex, then a 12 hour pill may be sufficient. Some people use it as a kind of vacation and prefer a week or a month. Some may use it to try a new occupation better suited to a different sex and may choose the one year version. And those who feel they have always been one gender trapped in a body of the other gender may choose a permanent change.

6. How much does it cost?

The price varies with the duration of the change. We believe our pills are inexpensive, but the price is cut in half for those who become official X-Change Club members. Just google us and sign up online. We also off a premium for those who provide us with testimonials of their experience which we share with potential customers.

7. Does it hurt?

No. No one has ever reported any unwanted pain from the experience. Those who have described any kind of pain at all, always say that it was "erotically" painful and that the pleasure completely overshadowed the pain.

8. What does the change feel like?

The change begins almost immediately after swallowing the pill. Most report that they feel a warm sensation beginning in the stomach area and spreading rapidly throughout their body. It feels like movement inside as cells, muscles, organs and bones begin shifting in size and placement.

Men report a sensation of shrinking: shrinking in body height as long bones begin to shorten, and shrinking in the genitals as their penis shortens and soften and begins to draw into their body leaving only the smaller head visible to become the new clitoris. There is a similar sensation as the testicles begin to draw back into their body and the scrotum shrinks and draws up and separates along the raphe line to become the labial lips. The separation continue and deepens as the emerging slit opens and becomes the vulva. The drawing or sucking feeling intensifies in the perineum as an opening appears and becomes the vagina. Simultaneously, there is a growing and thickening in the pectoral area as functional breast tissue begins to form, replete with milk ducts and engorged nipples.

Women also report beginning with the same warm sensation which soon becomes a stretching/growing feeling as long bones lengthen giving more body height. The vagina closes up and the lips come together as the ovaries begin to descend and emerge inside the former lips which are now a scrotum. The clitoris enlarges and swells and lengthens becoming the new penis. Meanwhile, her breasts shrink and flatten and the nipples also shrink to become typical, male, non-functional nipples.

9. Can a person change more than once?

Yes. We have numerous customers who use this as an every weekend get-away. They work all week at their regular job and then X-Change for a weekend respite. Many females change every month just before their menstrual cycle and remain changed until it has ended and then change back. Even those who have chosen the permanent change occasionally change back from time to time for personal reasons. There appears to be no limit to the number of changes a person can enjoy.

10. Where can I get the X-Change pills?

Currently, our only outlet is through the internet. Eventually, we plan to have them available in every pharmacy and grocery store.

11. Do I need a doctor's prescription?

No. X-Change is available OTC.

12. If a man changes to a woman, can he/she get pregnant?

Only if the change is permanent. Those who use any of the temporary X-Change pills cannot get pregnant. And if a person changes permanently and gets pregnant, she cannot change back until the pregnancy has ended. And a female who is pregnant cannot change.

13. Is there any age limit for the X-Change pill to work?

There is no age limit although it is dubious that anyone before the age of puberty would benefit. Any person who is going through puberty will transform into a person of the opposite sex who has completed puberty, and upon changing back will resume puberty at the same point and continue until puberty completes normally. And there is no upper age limit. We have a number of users who are in their 90's. A related matter is that many high school biology teachers teach their class about puberty by enlisting students as volunteers to take the pills and then allow the class to watch the changes as they occur.

14. Why is there so much resistance against X-Change from some groups?

Most of the resistance comes from the manufacturers of birth control pills and devices. X-Change allows unlimited sexual intercourse with no danger of pregnancy thus eliminating the need to purchase additional birth control. Some couples who prefer bareback sex but who want to avoid pregnancy choose to both change to the opposite sex before having sexual intercourse. They are the same two people, but their sexual roles are reversed and the danger of pregnancy is avoided.

15. What about the purists and moralists who say it is unnatural and immoral?

If any person feels that way, then perhaps X-Change is not for them. No one forces anyone to change. It should be a personal choice that each person wants to do. For most it is curiosity, wondering what sex feels like from the other side.

16. Are there any benefits?

There are many benefits. Here are the 5 biggest ones:

(1) The most common benefit comes from the new awareness that people develop about the opposite sex. Each becomes more understanding of the pressures and unique problems each must deal with. With this new awareness comes a heightened level of tolerance. Those who have experienced X-Change make better lovers because they know better what their partner wants and needs, and from personal experience they know better how to provide that.

(2) X-Change pills create the new body directly from the blueprint encoded in the DNA. By a process called "rejuvenation" all new cells are created in perfect condition. Thus, tattoos and piercings disappear along with birth marks or other defects.

(3) Similarly, persons who have lost a limb or an organ due to disease or injury find the limb or organ restored in their changed body. The limb or organ still exists in the DNA even though it was physically removed from the body, and the X-Change pill creates a full body, replete with all parts that were formerly missing. Then, when the person changes back, he retains those formerly missing parts.

(4) The pill causes a woman's vagina to form with hymen intact. In fact, no matter how many times person goes through the change, every time creates a brand new hymen.

(5) Any location where there are persons confined who are all of the same sex report great benefits from X-Change. Places like prisons, military units, unisex universities, etc., report that tensions and problems have diminished and morale is greatly improved when X-Change pills are freely available. Additional health benefits are being discovered all the time.

17. What if a person has changed but wants to change back before the time has expired?

Taking the opposite pill will reverse the change, but it is very rarely needed. Those who have had a panic attack or some kind of emergency and have performed a premature reversal almost always choose to experience a full term X-Change at a later date and report no ill effects.

18. Is it possible to create pills which will do more than change your sex, but which may also change your species?

X-Change scientists and researchers are currently working on such applications and are very excited about the progress being made. The basic information to become almost any creature is already there in the human genome, it has merely been inactivated. One day soon it will be possible to take a pill and change into any animal of your choice.

19. There are reports on the internet that you have created humans with tails and multiple breasts. Is that true, or is it fake news?

It is true. In fact, those are relatively easy changes to make. Humans already have the physiological feature of a tail. It is appropriately called a "tail bone". In your DNA there is already instructions for a longer tail, and occasionally, babies are born with a tail. It is considered a birth defect, but it is merely a case where the inactive DNA strands have been activated. It is the same with multiple breasts. Humans possess DNA instructions for up to 18 breasts. Most of those instructions are inactive and most humans develop only two breasts, although multiple breasts and nipples are not at all unusual. Just google "milk line" or "mammary ridge" and read more about it. What we are learning to do at X-Change is to activate those DNA strands intentionally and in a controlled way, whereas so-called birth defects activate them haphazardly. These products will be on the market soon. If you would like to be among the first to try them, just sign up for a member account. Not only will you get a discount on all our products, but you will be given the first opportunity to try new products as they become available.

20. I am interested in tentacles. Can you give me a pill for that?

We are working on it.

21. What about futanari girls?

We expect to have those pills available within 6 months.

22. What about a male who wants a bigger penis, or two penises, or four testicles, or a woman who wants two vaginas?

These ideas are all possible. The only limit is in how many projects our labs can take on at one time. Currently we are working on changing one's race and ethnic appearance and other similar body characteristics, extremes of height and weight, exotic skin, eye and hair color, etc. You say that you are a white male and you want to be a 9-foot tall African futa with a green 16-inch cock, purple balls, six orange breasts, 4 inch fangs and yellow eyes? Maybe not this year, but we're working on it, and soon you will have all that and more. If you sign up for a member account, you will be given access to a member survey where you can vote on which future projects you would like to see us develop. We will work on the ones first that are most popular.

23. What about STD's?

A person who has just experienced an X-Change change is free of all STD's, and all other disease as well. However, that person can subsequently acquire an STD and then pass it on to others, so it is always good to practice safe sex.

24. Does that mean X-Change can cure disease?

Our researchers are still investigating this area, but there are some initial data that have us excited.

25. How does that work?

It appears that when X-Change re-writes the DNA of your cells, it rejuvenates them as well. That is, it re-writes them to a brand new state. So, when, say, an 80-year old man swallows an X-Change pill, he becomes an 80-year old woman but her cells are in a youthful state and any disease that was formerly present seems to have been "deleted." And, if she changes back to a man, the X-Change pill gives him youthful male cells.

26. So X-Change is a "fountain of youth"?

The jury is still out on that one, but it certainly looks promising.

27. What about drugs?

As stated above, it is likely that you will no longer need to take prescription drugs, although you should not stop until you first consult with your primary care physician. As for recreational drugs, we strongly recommend that you not use any, including alcohol, because the interaction produces unexpected, unpredictable and unusual results.

28. What about people who are changed without their knowledge or consent?

X-Change is adamantly opposed to changing persons in this way. If it happens, we will do what we can to help them to change back and to prosecute those guilty of this offense.

29. I would like to volunteer to be a member of the team at X-Change that tries out new pills. How do I sign up?

Just google us on the internet and go to our home page. Then click on the link that says VOLUNTEER. You will be taken to a page where you can fill out an application.

X-CHANGE - How to become the real you!
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