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coming in to power

David welsh, 19, 5'10, blood type AB+.

An old man looked at the screen of his laptop. The bio of a young man plastered his screen. The picture showed David as a toned male with black hair and green eyes. the old man sighed as he rubbed his chin and played with the short hairs of his greyed beard. Leaning over he looked at the nurse tending to his IV. "if i was to say this young man was the image of me in my youth what would you say?" the nurse looked at the wrinkled face staring up at her. with a clam and caring tone she spoke "is he your grandson?" the question lingered in the air for a couple of seconds as his mind ticked over. "you could say we're related but he was given away as a baby. so I've never met him. personally that is, but i think when i die i would like to give him everything of mine." with a warm smile she tilted her head "that's amazing of you and don't worry your not gonna die under my watch." she giggled as he smiled back at her.

"well i may have to disagree with you there i really don't think I'll be living much longer." the nurse still smiling but now with a worried tone flickering in her voice "don't worry sir I'll make sure you are healthy and can live long enough to meet your grandson as long as I'm around nothing bad will happen." with another sigh the old man shook his head and mumbled to himself. "sorry what did you say sir." pushing himself up to his feet he stood over her, his old frail body shivered as he lent down and pulled something from under his coffee table.

"I said we'll have to rectify that." the mans voice trembled through the air with an authoritative growl. pulling his arm up the nurse was faced with the barrel of a mat black gun. Before a word could be uttered the deafening ring of a bullet surging forward echoed through the room, BANG.

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