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life: book 1

this book will have multiply characters and will not focus on just one main character. example if the main character is a guy and he dies some how the series will not end the series will continue and will just change to a whole different person. Sounds cool huh?

well the community can also make there own stories and add to it just add a chapter and i will approve it and then many other people can add to that chapter.

this part of the book will outline and tell you guys what i'm planning on doing. Imagine you add a sexual dream and you cummed or got wet last night in that dream well this book will contain dreams i have in a video game style format like the Sims each person has to eat, drink extra but i will not go on and on about how they have to drink ans eat i will make them explore the sexual side of life. Where i will have someone who could work at a boring ass job and then have sex with someone and then get a better job as a hooker or something i'll think about it all later though.

For now thats what its going to be like but i will have mutable chapters and the chapter map might get confusing but don't worry cause if you follow one person chances are you will follow the next person in the series.

also if you have an idea message me but don't spam me and ask to sign up to other websites that what happened last time ans i had to remake a account cause i got spammed the fucked out of.

Now where to locate it and who to start with these are questions i will answer soon anyway have fun. This is non anti sex meaning gay, bi trans, lesbian, straight and any others are all allowed.


Ok so ive been thinking how im going to make this work is that you will select a country and in that country a town or city then the person you want to play as from there if your character dies or whatever you can do 3 things new charter from that city or new town or city or new country.

What's next?

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