Anal Punishment Spanking Stories

81,864 results
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The Ten Thousand Dollar Decision Ch. 02

by spankedhusband on Sep 13, 2017

I'd slept fitfully after Gloria's surprising – I guess that shocking would more accurately describe it – pronouncements the night before. To say that my feelings were ambiguous would be an understatement. Desire and arousal on one hand fought with abject fear on another. Excitement at the thought of at last realizing my innermost desires coupled with the re...

A Kitten's Tail Ch. 14

by wolfdragon76 on Sep 13, 2017
Erotic Couplings

My heart had jumped into my throat when she walked up carrying her tail. I know she has given me no reason to doubt her love for me, but the scars from both of my ex-wives betraying me were hard to get past. Her smirk at my relief when Katherine explained made it clear she knew what I was thinking, but it did not make me feel any better about the pain I had...

brookie: About Last Week

by bbkradwell on Sep 13, 2017

Hi, kiddies, brookie here. my Master (you all know him as BB) is taking a well-deserved rest at the moment and i thought i'd take a few minutes to address you all on this site. i'm not telling him that i'm doing this, i figure he'll just have to be surprised when he opens his email and finds this, after i leave, later in the week. [Tee hee hee!] (And i know...

Becoming Julie's Governess

by susangreenway on Nov 27, 2018

[This story involves bodily functions so if that offends you, don't proceed further. All characters are 18 or over.] *** This had been one of my best situations during my time as a governess. The two Grant girls were just challenging enough to keep me on my toes. But I hadn't needed to discipline either of them at all frequently for ages. And I realized th...

Slave Immigrant Ch. 02

by OldGuy1026 on Sep 15, 2017
Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Edited by Nightbird Okay let's recap; in part one I told you how my dead brain was kidnapped and I was offered the chance to live again as a Bonded Immigrant on a star system one hundred and twenty-seven light years away. And I wasn't the only person who was taken this way, seems the Company; a conglomerate of several corporations has taken over a thousand...

Homecoming Ch. 02

by Semele93 on Nov 18, 2019

When the last rays of the sun were kissing the earth goodbye for the day, Grace found herself sighing with an abundance of relief. Daniel hasn't completely forgiven her, but mere acceptance was, definitely, a win for her. She knew she had so much to atone for, and this was merely the beginning. "You will be staying in the guest room for the week," he inton...

The Cane

by danishmichaela on Sep 17, 2017

Until fairly recently I'd never really been involved in contrived or non-spontaneous sex. Whilst I was younger and with my husband, we had messed around with me dressing up, both of us tying the other up and some other stuff like that, but most of what we did was spur of the moment. We didn't usually think up new things, plan them and act them out in a calcu...

College Roommate Spanking, Plus Sex

by BartenderTalesTold on Sep 28, 2020
Group Sex

When I first moved in with Jessica, Abby, and Sarah, I knew it was going to be interesting. In fact, being the sole male with three very attractive female roommates was downright fascinating, to say the least. We had all been forced off campus by the housing crisis caused by the delay of the new chiller for the largest dorm and the cascading bumps off waiti...

Fetish Life

by Kinkyguyohmy on Apr 20, 2020

You wake up just as the alarm on your phone blasts a corny jingle right into your ear. You lazily stretch, pull your covers off your body and slowly rise from your bed. You meander over to the mirror that hangs on your door and look at your reflection. A teenage boy with light brown hair, glowing grey eyes and an average build stares back at you. You smile....

Open in Reader

A Very Shameful Punishment Ch. 21

by lesliejones on Nov 5, 2018

This story includes some fairly major disciplining, as well as bodily functions, so if that offends you, please read no further. All characters are over 18. ***** Eleanor brought her older sister Meredith back to the apartment shared with Sgts. Denise and Linda after the two had visited the ladies' room at The Lounge where Eleanor spanked and caned her sis...