Bond Stories

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Not Passing Go! Ch. 06

by Spencerfiction on Sep 16, 2017

Chapter 6: Family matters The terraced house is Victorian or Edwardian, and is similar to a lot of brick-built slate roofed houses in other Home Counties villages. They were built originally for tied farm workers, but those labourers were no longer needed after mechanisation. The terraced cottages are narrow, two-up, two-down, most with two-storey extension...

Home for Horny Monsters Ch. 03

by writerannabelle on Oct 2, 2017

*Hey all! Annabelle here with this third installment for you. As long as you keep showing me love in the comments and ratings, I will keep adding to the story.* Chapter 03: Squatter's Rights "Monsters. The guy who built this house collected monsters." Mike sat on the edge of the tub, Naia wrapping bandages around the deeper cuts on his body. He wore only h...

Revolutionary Love - First Nursing

by TrotskysGirl on Oct 15, 2017
Erotic Couplings

*** It is 1917 in the heat of the Russian Revolution. In this chapter, we go back in time to when revolutionary leader Borya Petrov and feminist/writer Natasha Solokov meet for the first time. She shares his private desires with him as no woman ever had before.*** ***** Natasha turned and faced the mirror, adjusting her hat. She had chosen her favorite, th...

True Lies - Redux Ch. 07

by justbobkc on Sep 19, 2017
Loving Wives

*************** Jim - I was in a meeting with several old friends and one new one, in a hotel room in Paris. Yet another 5 star hotel and yet again Grayson and his entourage - and my wife - were in a palatial suite several floors above my own more modest room. My new friend was Jean-Marc Rousseau and I think he worked for DGSE. The French equivalent t...

The Bachelorette Ch. 02

by HopelesslyAddicted on Sep 26, 2017

Author's Note: I have lost my editor, She disappeared on me. So, until I get someone new to look over my craptastic versions of things ( I call them that because, let's face it I am doing revisions on stuff now and I had an editor....) I have not forgotten any of my stories. I had no internet for a while, so a lot of these edits have been written off line, a...

Lost Girl in Transition Ch. 14

by virgofemme on Sep 25, 2017
Interracial Love

Something was wrong. Not just sort of wrong, but deeply so. Tristan felt it in his gut, like a knife that was twisting and pulling at his innards. He knew that it involved Claudia, but as to what it was that happened he wasn't entirely sure. Now nearing ten p.m., he'd spent the last few hours helping Shauna take care of Maggie, which in itself had been an...

Lost Girl in Transition Ch. 12

by virgofemme on Sep 25, 2017
Interracial Love

"I don't want to go home," Claudia announced as Lucas's truck headed in the direction of her house. "I want you to take me somewhere else." "Okay," he curiously responded. "So then where do you want to go? "I don't know..." As the words slowly left her lips, she gazed out of the window at the passing scenery. "Just somewhere where I can get my mind off of...

I like Being Naked Pt. 09

by honestme on Jan 8, 2018
Exhibitionist & Voyeur

pool party continues, so do relationships Mom summoned the boys. "Time for fun and sun guys." Carl was out first and headed for a lounge. I quickly laid on the one next to him. "What are you doing?" Carl asked. "I'm going to have Jake put lotion on me before I do him. Sue might like it if you put some on her. Don't let her have all the fun," and gave...

Her Beautiful Leaking Little Tits

by aussie_101 on Jan 14, 2018
Group Sex

Breastfeeding. Tis a wonderful thing. Now as a man, I realise that saying such a thing might see me mistaken for a perve and a creep. Hell, it's pretty hard for a guy to espouse any praise for the natural act of a woman feeding an infant by the boob, as the natural assumption is that most guys can't separate their base sexual feelings from an appreciation o...

A War Remembered Ch. 01

by Jazzscribe on Feb 6, 2018
Novels and Novellas

This is my first submission to any literary site. If there is one thing I know, every good writer had a great editor and I am looking for help in that regard; even as relates to the title. It was always my intent to put this story into the Incest/Taboo category. However, as I continue to write, it has become apparent that it will end up being very long; No...