Christmas Boots Stories

55,986 results
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Mary Christmas & Father Christmas

by mummys dirty angel on Sep 13, 2017
Erotic Couplings

I walked out into the frosty air and made my way home through the early evening shoppers. Their faces looked tired and weary, some even looked angry and frustrated. They all looked like they had been on their feet all day, searching for presents that are on every child's wish list and the toy you need to buy eight weeks before Christmas and not seven days be...

The Perfect Christmas Tree

by doctorwes on Dec 24, 2019

In earlier stories I told how Mark's wife, Eileen, would jokingly accuse him of having a rubber boot fetish, which he now confesses that he does. After some time it was revealed that she also had such a fetish and enjoyed wearing her wellies as well. It's now that time of year when the holidays are upon us and one of the chores many of us must do is go shopp...

Christmas Lights

by MarionsLover on Dec 10, 2018
Exhibitionist & Voyeur

Marion sat upright on the bus seat, knees together, shoulder bag on her lap. She watched the dark streets pass by through her reflection in the window. Christmas lights shot their electric streams of coloured energy through the blackness, creating islands of cheer in the gloom. Some streets the bus passed through were more affluent, with lots of competing di...

With Strings Attached Ch. 11

by maxout09 on Sep 25, 2017

Alice dutifully went about cleaning and preparing the house for Christmas dinner, per her mother's insistence, while dressed for the occasion. Alice timidly obeyed in a blurry haze as she went about her chores just as she had since she was informed, by Nicole, that she would be joining her family for Christmas dinner. Now the charade would fully enter her fa...

What a Hallmark Movie Should Be Like

by YoungSub13 on Dec 10, 2019

It was Christmas Eve and I was all alone in my small shitty apartment. Everyone I knew was out and about spending time with their friends and families, experiencing the magic of the holiday season. Wow, those words leaving my mouth really pissed me off. Don't get me wrong, I'm not like the Grinch or anything, but I'm single, never married and no kids. My f...

The Gift of the Magic Lump of Coal

by EllaRegina on Sep 16, 2017

Copyright EllaRegina 2008 FOREWORD: This story is a parody of "The Gift of the Magi" by O. Henry (a pen name for William Sydney Porter), written in 1906 and now in the public domain. No one owns a United States copyright on or for this work. I have taken the original story and put it into an erotic context. Throughout, I've used bits from the O. Henry wor...

A Princess For Christmas

by Outsider1505 on Jan 20, 2020

This is one of two semi-Christmas related stories I wrote, and while I started the other one first, this one just flowed so much better and quicker that I decided to post it first. Hope you enjoy this little belated Christmas present! -------- I stood by the mall entrance waiting, wondering how it had all come to this. Checking my phone I saw the text whic...

St. Andrew's

by tabbyjjkitty2 on Sep 17, 2017

Please Note: This story is purely fiction *** One of the characters is an Episcopal priest, for those who don't know and will try to correct me: Episcopal Priests can and do marry. They are properly referred to as Priests, not Ministers *** Thank you & Enjoy. The cold little church was packed to capacity. Candles flickered along the center isle. Garla...

Rebecca St. James: The Christmas Gift

by SkyBubble on Sep 12, 2017
Celebrities & Fan Fiction

Christmastime was always busy for Rebecca St. James, with all the family parties, shopping, and other things. And with a few siblings to buy for, it was always that much more complicated. Rebecca looked forward to a relaxing time. There was a family party scheduled this evening, but Rebecca begged off, saying she didn't feel well. Actually, she had her own...

Underneath Her Mistletoes

by Outsider1505 on Jan 21, 2020

It was almost Christmas, but it sure as hell didn't feel much like it. There wasn't a speck of snow on the ground- a rarity at this time of the year- and while it was cool out the weather couldn't seem to decide if it were truly winter or not. No matter how much people tried to keep their spirits up, they were all just going through the motions. Things jus...