Enki's Puzzle Stories

5,076 results
Infinite Scroll

Creative Copulation

by JackLuis on Sep 13, 2017
Humor & Satire

The Creator is hard to describe, I mean, he isn't really like you and me. But for the purposes of this tale, let's just say he's a tall old man with a beard? He sits contemplating the full majesty of his creation. Built completely of himself and undoubtedly for his amusement, or just to prove that there can be something more than he. He spends his time in p...

Inanna's Descent into the Underworld Ch. 03

by KatieTay on Sep 15, 2017
Sci-Fi & Fantasy

[This story contains depictions and descriptions of muscular women doing all kinds of stuff, sometimes to each other, sometimes not. If you don't like such themes, please stay away.] [I would like to thank LaRascasse for being someone whom I can bounce ideas off, and who also contributes his copy-editing to my work. We are all our own worst editors, and LaR...

Santa's Puzzle Pieces

by DrewScott on Dec 24, 2019

Santa sat pondering his list of good or bad boys and girls. Age never mattered to Santa; all of us are boys and girls to this jolly old man. This time of year, Christmas, was hard for him. The easy decisions were already made, and the hard cases were still left to be pondered and fussed over. So many hurting souls, he had to bring some glimmer of happiness.....

A Lazy Mage Quests (Un)EZ Creds Ch. 11

by tisoz on May 15, 2019
Sci-Fi & Fantasy

After dressing and settling his bill with the clinic, Spector walked back to where he'd parked, relieved to see the Prairie Cat still there and unmolested. Damon set the autonav to take him home and started to relax. The quest had taken exactly twenty-four hours and it took Spector a little while to realize it was a new day. Damon's first hint was the odd s...

The Puzzlemaker Ch. 01

by velvetpie on Sep 12, 2017
Toys & Masturbation

Alexis closed her eyes and assumed the position: naked, on her hands and knees. Jared moved up behind her, gave his cock a couple of strokes, spread her ass cheeks and spit on her pucker. He reached underneath and rubbed her exposed pussy, laughing at her repulsive shudder. "You got a nice puss here, Lex. I might have to tap that one of these days." "Fuck...

Ali's Genie Ch. 01

by Rebellious_Fetish on Sep 25, 2017
Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Hello reader, I hope you enjoy the first part in what I intend to be a series. I apologize for the lack of erotic material in this first part and promise that future parts will be far more exciting and likely longer as well. I appreciate any and all commentary you may have and thank you for taking time to read my story. Now enjoy. ~Rebel ***** My alarm...

Falcon and Domino Ch. 07

by Willow_Creek on Sep 14, 2017

A light frost covered the ground that Saturday morning, as the joggers ran around the park - their feet crunching on the crisp tarmac below. Dirk Peterson ignored them as he walked briskly to a bench overlooking the boating lake, where a man with an eye patch sat alone. Checking that no one was watching, Dirk sat down next to the one-eyed man. 'Hello Cyclop...

The Taken

by KaereniSister on Sep 16, 2017

This story is copyrighted 2005 by Kaereni, may not be excerpted, reprinted, reproduced, or reposted in any form without the express written consent of the author. Visitors to this web site may read or temporarily download pages but are not permitted to modify or re-distribute them. The story may contain sexual activities and situations that are to be read o...


by readcarefully on Sep 13, 2017
Erotic Couplings

I saw the fear in his eyes when I confessed to him that something was missing. The reflection of my cracking voice in his face was exactly what I expected. The best thing that ever happened in my life had started to unravel and I couldn't explain why. We had been best friends for a year in grad school. An inseparable pair in our first study group, we made...

Aphrodite's Curse Ch. 082

by Gaius8666 on Sep 15, 2017

Orion held his breath as he knew that at any minute his entire naked and exposed body would be stung to death by the thousands of angry bees that swarmed over his suffering flesh. So far he had remained relatively unharmed as he tried desperately to remain completely still, but he knew that it was only a matter of time before the bees would attack and sting...