Femdom Collar Stories

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A Smuggler's Life For Me

by TMJ2008 on May 21, 2015
Science Fiction

(Author's Note: For greater enjoyment and atmospheric ambiance, listen to this while reading the intro or the whole story, really. Thanks to cronor for first posting the link to this great song that is now the unofficial theme song to this story in my mind. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RVTvwZUAyM ) Space. The final frontier...or something like that, anyw...

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Whatever You Need, My Girl

by AccidentallyKinky on Mar 16, 2020

He knew what she needed even before she asked for it, but he wanted, no needed, to see the beseeching supplication in her eyes as she struggled to form the words from her trembling lips. He pulled her close, lifted her chin with one finger, looked straight into her watery blues and asked: "tell me what it is you want little one." She hesitated momentarily...

Ready for Something Hot & Wet

by Magnolia13 on Oct 6, 2020
Erotic Couplings

As I slip the top button of your shirt from the buttonhole, I place feather light kisses along your ear. The tip of my tongue traces the outline of your ear. I gently nip at your earlobe, my tongue darting out to explore, tease. I nuzzle at your neck as I slip the next button loose, my fingers slide inside your shirt, tug so slightly on your chest hair, soot...

Jack's Righteous Gig

by BurntRedstone on Dec 2, 2019

Author's Notes: 'Jack's Righteous Gig' is the seventh story in the saga of Jack Danner. Minimal effort is made in this tale to explain the backstory, so it is highly recommended you read the first six stories in the following order: Jack's New JobJack's New PositionJack's Daily GrindJack's Wage Slavery Parts 1 & 2Jack's Snow DayJack's True Calling All...

Always Lock the Door Ch. 02

by LaNiqueS on Sep 14, 2017
Erotic Couplings

Kathleen's blouse has finally fallen to the floor, and she is kneeling down right on top of it. Her husband's slacks and boxers are down around his ankles. On her knees in front of Travis, I see her hands reach up to undo the buttons of his shirt. Travis' eyes are closed even as his hands help undo the buttons. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure...

Good Morning

by CameronCoureur on Sep 11, 2017
Erotic Couplings

It's early morning. You wake relaxed, and have a pleasant and stimulating shower. As you are sitting down at your make-up table in your dressing gown to get ready for the day ahead, your man strolls up behind you and rests his hand gently on your shoulder. "Good morning, beautiful." "Thank you, sweetie, but I've got some make-up to do before I'm ready for...

Chloe's Game Ch. 08

by msa6572 on Dec 29, 2017

Chloe sank back onto the table, her body having gone completely limp. She was not sure she had ever cum as hard as she just did. Her right hand drifted between her legs, and she felt her swollen, throbbing lips. She was so sensitive, that she was instantly on the verge of another orgasm, so she quickly stopped. She closed her eyes, ad moaned softly as the me...

Lover, Please Remember

by TopShelfBitch on Dec 31, 2017
Letters & Transcripts

My Dearest Lover, Please stick with me and hear me out... I know I hurt you deeply, I can never tell you how sorry I am. And I don't intend to try. I promise I won't beg you to take me back, but I do ask one thing of you. When you think of me, remember the good times. Remember the feel of my fingertips against your skin as we kissed and cuddled. The feel...

Big Mistake Ch. 02

by Roxielover1992 on Feb 13, 2018

I tried to follow how long I was in the box but it felt like forever. Finally we stopped and the box opened "hello slave enjoy the ride" a strange voice said. All I could so was mumble and pray that nothing too bad was going to happen. I felt His hand go over my body and stop at my ass smacking it hard making me wince again "mmmm very sexy and I bet you love...

Exploring with Sarah Pt. 04

by Anoneemuss on Feb 12, 2019
Erotic Couplings

I woke to a warm, wet sensation on my cock and the duvet bobbing up and down. I lifted the covers. "Morning, babe!" "Morning, sleepy head" laughed Sarah from between my legs, "I wondered if that would wake you up. Now, lie back and enjoy this. It's your turn." She took my cock into her mouth and slowly swallowed the whole thing. I'd watched her doing this...