Furry X Male Stories

90,451 results
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Man's Best Friend Ch. 06

by ariel58 on Sep 26, 2017

The anticipation was rising - the time was approaching for the band to come on, and near the back of the sizeable crowd, Alice and Greg were as excited as anyone. Both of them loved live music, and there was the added bonus of seeing their first gig together. "Can I get you another drink?" "My shout," said Alice, almost having to shout herself above the ba...

Extra Steam for the Steam Room

by femihussy on Sep 12, 2017
Erotic Couplings

*This is what happens when I'm sitting in a steam room by myself and let my mind wander* God I was hot and sweaty! My heart was racing and my breathing just beginning to return to normal. I was exhausted and sore, but satisfied. I took the towel and wiped down as the screen started blinking my workout summary. A nice run, I'd done some weight lifting, god...

A Fine Time At the Company Picnic

by Art on Sep 14, 2017
Erotic Couplings

It was time again for the annual company picnic. Instead of the usual deal in some park, the picnic committee had decided to get everyone discount (as in huge discount) passes to the local theme park. It opened at ten in the morning and we as a group would meet about 11:30 for an all expenses paid for steak lunch with all the trimmings. Before and after that...

There and Back Again Ch. 163

by ElyssaCousland on Sep 18, 2018
Celebrities & Fan Fiction

Chapter One Hundred Sixty-Three: *Promises Kept The twentieth of Wintermarch. The date of my wedding anniversary...and another important event in my life: the birthday of the man I'd married. And I'd had no idea, at the time, that our wedding had fallen on the day we should have been celebrating his life. "The twentieth?" I asked. Alistair nodded, wincin...

Gina's Coming of Age

by Canam on Sep 24, 2018
Erotic Couplings

This is the story of my wife, Gina's coming of age story as she embarked on her college life. ***** Gina was 19 and excited about the new adventures upcoming in her life. She had taken a year after high school to work and save some money. But now she was going to use some of that money to put herself through college. She had dreams of a career and was focu...

Lilith's Emporium - Shadows Fall Ch. 02

by maestro84 on Jul 24, 2018
Erotic Horror

Nessira awoke in a daze not sure what had happened. She looked up and soon realized she was chained to a wall in a larger room which looked like a throne room. She was naked, the walls were red and the smell of sulfur was strong as she looked over and saw her captor sitting on a chair which she assumed was his throne as he stood up and began walking towards...

Cottage 69 Ch. 04

by Wayne_Richardson on Oct 9, 2018
Erotic Couplings

This story is entirely fictitious; enjoy. -------------------------------- Many students witnessed the melee that Friday lunch-time at Cedar Hill high school. 'What was it about; what started it,' they wondered. Well, Richard (Dick) Quinn had stated that he needed someone to help with the mowing the next day. Richard had previous mowed the lawns of his un...

Cecily's Audition

by fantasyman1080 on Nov 26, 2018
Celebrities & Fan Fiction

Cecily Legler Strong sped her heels against the pavement, racing up midtown to Studio H. With each stride, her full cups bounced along her dress, a catsuit of sorts, all skintight and sheen. Those long, toned gazelle legs pounded the pavement, kicking up chunks. She skipped to her own beat, her milfy crow's feet puckering with childlike glee. Today was hers!...

Adventure of Rekka Ch. 02

by mosesD on Mar 5, 2018
Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Glad the first chapter appears to be fairly well received. I have to confess this is my first attempt at writing a story. Hopefully I can continue to please. Truthfully, I'm more interested in the romance and world building but I know what site I'm on so now we'll see Rekka get what she wants. Enjoy, if you will, and please feel more than free to send any cr...

Masked in Rio Ch. 01

by BardsLady on Sep 16, 2017
Celebrities & Fan Fiction

Rio. Just the name invites visions of half naked men and women, dark tropical nights near moonlight kissed beaches, and Carnival. For most people, anyway, it is a dream come true. A paradise to be reached for and eagerly embraced as the top most place to go for romance, erotic adventures, and to relax from the rigors of the modern day world. Most people, but...