Gail Kim Stories

5,983 results
Infinite Scroll

Courtship for the Clueless

by Sir Galahad on Aug 28, 2018
Novels and Novellas

1. "Your new book is selling pretty well," said Irina Slonimska, Roger's editor. "Plumbing for the Panic-Stricken fills a definite need. I don't mind telling you that it saved me several hundred dollars in New York City plumbers' bills when I was editing the manuscript." "Did it really?" asked Sharon Hillstein, eying her old college roommate across the t...

And He Called It Research

by thornapple on Sep 14, 2017
Novels and Novellas

Philip Johnson Prologue The offer of impressive things for free creates greed. Start by throwing in a generous amount of free vacation with impressive free goodies, and all worth tens of thousands of dollars. Add a few vital ingredients like...well let's throw in a great amount of nudity. Add a lot of passion and lust, and cook the recipe in a hot tropi...

Eric Olafson, Neo Viking Vol. 01

by VanessaRaven on Oct 6, 2020
Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Eric Olafson, Neo Viking (Vol 1) by Vanessa Ravencroft Copyright© 2000 by Vanessa Ravencroft --------------------------------------- This is the first Volume of the Eric Olafson Saga (Volume 1 GC 27) --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- Foreword I was asked by my best friends to tell this story. At first, I...