Group Sex Stories

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The Ethical Slutmaker Ch. 16

by KrisCherita on Mar 13, 2018
Group Sex

Chapter 16: Bobbing for Nipples "Are you okay? Karima looked up as she saw Rita, naked but for some shiny patches of lube and come, standing in the doorway behind her. She moved her shapely butt to the left to give her room to sit down or walk past, and offered her the skinny joint. "Alexis doesn't like people smoking in the house. You want some?" "No, th...

The Norther

by Houstonrn on Sep 17, 2017
Group Sex

The sky was dark as the clouds rolled in from the north. A true "Norther" was on the way with high winds and plunging temperatures. On the road hitch hiking was not a good place, and not a single structure was visible from the highway. The beeping of a horn caused me to look back over my shoulder into the wind. As the SUV pulled to a halt a window rolled do...

Innocence Lost Ch. 15

by bradley_stoke on Sep 14, 2017
Novels and Novellas

In Which Dodie compares the relative virtues of Innocence and Chastity; Kedi abandons Chastity; and Dodie leaves the comfort of Innocence. Dodie understood the freedom of Innocence's love-making, and how it would frequently involve her fucking her sister or Kedi, but it did little to lessen the jealousy she felt as Kedi or Chastity would be yelping with ple...

A Crash Course In Losing Virginity Ch. 02

by andros14 on Sep 14, 2017
Erotic Couplings

Ever since the first time Brandon and I made love, we knew that we'd never have it that easy again. You see, in the motel, we had all the time we wanted with no one to bother us. But when we had to get back to our regular lives, our separate schools and our parents would find ways to make everything harder for us. It wasn't too bad in my dorm room though....

A Very Shameful Punishment Ch. 11

by lesliejones on Sep 16, 2017

[This story makes much more sense after you have read the earlier installments. Those offended by bodily functions or infibulation should proceed no further.] * Jackson, now in the middle of the three weeks' re-orientation at the Men's Camp, to which he had been sent by his wife Eleanor, was surprised not to see Graham, who had been responsible for Eleano...

Watching Her REALLY Let Go Pt. 01

by MISKODRAK on Sep 14, 2017
Group Sex

What follows is an account of another swinger weekend my wife and I have just returned from. We returned yesterday and I thought I would get this on paper before I forget details. After our first in 2015 and several in between we decided to "up" the stakes and go to a better organised event where there was less of an "every man for himself" approach and mo...

Laid Bare in London

by Lancastrian on Sep 13, 2017
Group Sex

She was nervous as hell. For the first time in all this she was beginning to have second thoughts. Alan would have none of it though and insisted she went through with it. In his late forties, he was more than twenty years older than she, just less than six feet tall with a slim build, he worked out at the gym and it showed. Beth followed him up the stairway...

First Swing

by Nightandmizz on Sep 15, 2017
Group Sex

This is the story from Mizz and I's first foray into having encounters with other people in "that way". We had been going to BDSM and fetish house parties for some time but it was our little secret, the two of us never really brought up the "swinging" topic at all in the first year and a half of fetish/kink. All that changed one day when we were online j...

Body Traders

by Little Dreamerman on Sep 17, 2017
Loving Wives

I suppose I wouldn't qualify as a hall of famer when it boils down to some swinging action but I've been there .... done that. Back in the mid 70's the thoughts of the swinging lifestyle began to excite me and believe me there were a lot of swingers back in the 70's. The groups were more secretive and selective in those days but there were plenty of mate s...

Memorable Holiday

by knobbieknobbs on Sep 14, 2017
Group Sex

I consider myself to be very lucky. Alice, my wife, is the most amazing woman I have ever met. She's smart and funny, loving and kind. There are days when she makes me laugh so hard my sides feel like bursting. She is everything I ever wanted in a woman, and that's not to mention the way she looks. Oh boy! When we're out and about men turn and stare at Ali...