Messy Diaper Boy Stories

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The Making of a Slut Ch. 05

by Just Plain Bob on Sep 12, 2017
Loving Wives

The next morning I told BJ that even though it was a Sunday, one of the days that I told her would always be a party day, she could look forward to a quiet night with just me. She gave me a look that said, "Yeah, right! What kind of shit are you going to pull on me now." "Okay, you're right, I do have an ulterior motive. I told you that you could make plans...

Craving for Mr. Klein

by markofdibella on Sep 25, 2017

Do you know the feeling when you know something is about to happen and you have no way of knowing whether it will be good or bad? Do you also know the feeling when you should pay attention to it and really think about what it could be instead of being a knuckle head and simply ignoring it? Hello, I'm that knucklehead. Today, I'm about to walk you throu...

Cumming For Dinner

by Nemasis Enforcer on Sep 12, 2017

There were 2 things that Rhonda La Beck couldn't live without. One was food. She loved it and ate just about all the time, but was one of those lucky people who never put on an ounce; she always stayed at the same 130 pounds. The other thing she craved... men's sperm. She had been addicted to it since she was 18 years old, that's when she had given her f...

Your Love Ch. 07

by cnhemingway on Sep 25, 2017
Interracial Love

Ok you guys, sorry for going MIA. Just wrapped up midterms and now I'm getting ready for finals. Good news though! Your girls getting good grades! YAY!! Just know that my absence is for a good cause. It's a busy time. I thought about finishing the series in this chapter but I didn't want to screw you guys out of a good story. Yall deserve it! As usual,...

Padme's Galactic Tour: Trandosha

by The Stingray on Sep 26, 2017
Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Walking down the landing ramp of her Nubian-class starship felt awkward to Senator Padme Amidalla. Not because of the welcoming party gathered to greet her in Trandosha's capital city of Hsskhor. Not because of the fact that the planet's air was horribly warm and humid. No, she felt so awkward because she was still walking bow-legged from her adventure the p...

Defrosting Mrs Winter Ch. 02

by Mag58 on Sep 16, 2017

I was still in a bit of a daze the morning after fucking my married colleague, Sandi Winter the previous evening in the office of the furniture shop we worked in; so when she stepped out of the kitchen door into the smoking area where I was sitting, I was unsure how to react as she nervously walked towards me. "Hi." I greeted her as she gingerly approached...

My Loving Gym Teacher Ch. 01

by SexiiAriel on Sep 13, 2017
Erotic Couplings

My name is Ariel, I stand 5 foot 4 inches. I have dirty blonde hair that goes down past my shoulder blades. I weigh about 120 pounds and have C cup breasts that defy gravity. I had just turned 18 when I was transferred out of my dance 2 class and put into standard gym class. I walked into the gym 15 minutes after the bell had rung. I felt every eye turn to...

It's Not Cheating at Disney

by dwriter123 on Sep 11, 2017
Loving Wives

First let me tell you a little about my wife. She's 5"6' with big brown eyes and long brown hair. She has a petite frame, small but firm breasts and an amazing ass. She's always felt inferior with her small tits but knows to make up for it by flaunting her ass. We're both pretty heavy drinkers and most of the time Sarah is "sexually shy" unless she's pretty...


by mike62wi on Sep 2, 2017
Erotic Couplings

I had just turn 40 and whether a manifestation of a mid-life crisis, or just plain horniness, or just the fact that my wife of 17 years was always a bit hard to get into the "mood", I found myself in the middle of a cyber affair. Jasmine (Jazz for short), a thirty something woman I had come across while cruising through the Yahoo profiles, looking for women...

Firehouse Fantasy

by HotWife79 on Sep 12, 2017
Group Sex

It was a hot, muggy night. The weather man predicted a thunderstorm, but Alyssa had a couple of deliveries that had to be made before she could head home. After the day she had, that's all she wanted to do. She looked at her list: 4 dozen cupcakes to the Baker's; Foster wedding cake to Bethel Chapel; retirement cake to North Side Firehouse. She went through...