Power Words Stories

191,682 results
Infinite Scroll

The Defiled Temple Ch. 01

by Lien_Geller on Sep 26, 2017
Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Malika sat atop the highest tower of the Defiled Temple looking over the surrounding hills and wastelands. The cult of the demoness Lagria had taken this place long ago and sacrificed the old Priestesses Of The Light to their foul mistress during the temple's ravaging. Like all the denizens of the temple, Malika had been stolen from her family as a child and...

The Goddess Ch. 03

by sexgundam666 on Sep 25, 2017
Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Author's Note: Hey everyone, sorry to long ass wait on this one. I've been working on other projects and I hope to have another up in the near future, though with that me that's not something to get your hopes up. Anyway, this chapter is a bit short, but I hope you'll enjoy it. A word of warning, if you don't like women being inflated beyond anything humans'...

The Bachelorette Ch. 07

by HopelesslyAddicted on Sep 26, 2017

Leon walked over to the circle, noticing that a crowd had started to gather. Very few women came out from their new homes, but that was to be expected. What he didn't expect was to see Sam there. He walked over to where she was standing on the edge of the circle looking out onto the grounds. "Sam, I'm surprised to see you out here, I thought you would be ins...

The Inquisitor Ch. 24

by theTCat on Sep 15, 2017
Novels and Novellas

The Inquisitor led the princess along a winding path through the Chamber of Delights, past machines she'd experienced before, and many unknown ones as well. Strange devices, wheels and gear; she could not even fathom their purpose, other than pleasure. All of the devices in this room had but one purpose. At last he led to a large wooden frame. It was roughl...

Ravenous Ritual

by miriam68 on Sep 17, 2017

Her garments rustled, and the folds cascaded over her curvaceous form. She reached her hand to adjust the leather of his harness taut across his nipples. He felt the leather strap pull tight across his body, leaning into the harness, he smiled and looked up to her, receiving her soft words whispered. "You are a gift to me, darling pet. A treasure to behold...

Rising From The Fire Ch. 03

by SimoneLisbon on Sep 14, 2017
Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Agony surrounded my mind, my body, the very essence of me. I was in Adam's head. So connected to him, that I could feel his every ache from my father's torture and I screamed deep inside the recesses of his mind. I could feel the torture as if it were happening to my own human body. It made the pain intense and unbearable. I tried to speak but that which mad...

Sex, Power & Knowledge

by Chocky Girl on Sep 15, 2017
Reviews & Essays

Slight introduction: This is my fourth piece written for Literotica and it's not quite like my other things. I have had a lot of very favourable and interesting feedback so far - mostly from men. But I would be very interested in hearing from women telling me of their experiences and fantasies (especially those interracial ones) and how they relate to my...

Ember Burn: Seductive Interlude

by Harold Masters on Sep 16, 2017
Sci-Fi & Fantasy

First : Chains Angie turned off the lights in the livingroom after a final look around. Everything was in place... like always. A heavy sigh escaped her lips as she walked up the stairs to the two empty bedrooms... and her own private sanctuary from the madhouse that was every day. The bedroom looked as it always did... neat and ordered. The large wooden p...

Understanding Amy Ch. 05

by Sosino on Sep 17, 2017

Firstly, I want to thank everyone who has read my work and sent me feedback. Secondly and most importantly, I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Enjoy! Sosino. I felt the dream would never end, from my rose ceremony to the beautiful tropical vista I am currently surrounded by. Vanilla is not a word I use to describe myself ve...

Power Girl: Men are the Same

by Sean Renaud on Mar 12, 2019
Celebrities & Fan Fiction

Karen Starr could hear the roaring flames before the sirens of the fire trucks even started up. The fire was halfway across town easily five miles away but she could hear it and when she turned her attention towards it she could see through the concrete jungle between herself and it. After watching it for a moment she was content that the fire department wou...